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The Best TV Shows on Amazon Prime
The Best TV Shows on Amazon Prime Now that you've watched Transparent, sample everything else that the streaming service has to offer.
on the scene
Winnie and Kevin Probably Slept Together Plus 11 other things we learned at the Wonder Years reunion.
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What TV Shows Can Help Mend a Broken Heart? Your pressing TV questions, answered.

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WeezerEulogy for a Rock Band?

On their ninth album, Weezer apologize for their previous six.

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black-ishNeue Musik

Simon Rattle's Berlin Philharmonic is the youngest 132-year-old around.



Henri Matisse
Post-Macho God

Matisse's Cut-Outs are world-historically gorgeous. Why has it always been so hard to take them seriously?

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Beyond Classical & Dance: See the Next 7 Days

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