Warner Bros. Seeking Female Director for Wonder Woman Movie

News Mike Cecchini 10/24/2014 at 11:26AM

Zack Snyder can't direct 'em all, right? Warner Bros. want to find a female director for their Wonder Woman solo movie.

Lots of hooplah surrounding the big DC Comics superhero movie announcement last week. Lots of it. We contributed to quite a bit of that hooplah, ourselves. A big part of that announcement was the first official confirmation that a Wonder Woman solo movie is coming. They even gave the Wonder Woman movie a release date of June 23rd, 2017. Now, what about a director?

Hidden away in a Hollywood Reporter piece about the wave of DC and Marvel superhero movies coming between now and 2020, was a little tidbit about how Warner Bros. are seeking a female director for Wonder Woman. How hidden away was it? Well, hidden enough. I mean, why would I bother paying too much attention to that piece since we've already done detailed unpackings of the DC superhero movie calendar, the full Marvel movie release schedule, and even a full superhero movie calendar of our own, right?

I'm telling you all that as preamble to the fact that we owe a debt of thanks to ScreenCrush for pointing this one out. Because I sure as hell wouldn't have found it.

In all seriousness, it's good to see that this is under consideration. It's looking increasingly likely that Warner Bros. may beat Marvel to the punch by actually giving us our first female-fronted superhero movie since Helen Slater in Supergirl back in 1984.

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