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A hairstyle symbolizing one's angst and hatred of the world. It covers one of the eyes and comes down in a pizza slice shape. Commonly associated with emotionally challenged children. Keanu Reeves used to have one.
Person 1: "Did you see that dude's emo flap?"
Person 2: "Yeah man, he must hate his parents..."
by cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuc October 28, 2014
The moment that someone has a small cough or sniffle, that they believe they have ebola and have to announce it to the world.
Jimmy let out a loud sneeze on the train before announcing to the crowd 'I probably have Ebola you know' but in reality he was just suffering from fauxbola.
by Maryjade October 28, 2014
You can't pull it off. That doesn't look right when you do it. You look stupid when you do that. It doesn't look right on you.
Bob: "I'm gonna go dance with that hot chick over there."

John:"Dude that's not you."

Bob: "why not?"

John:"Because you can't dance."
by LexiInCharge October 27, 2014
To do something (rap, battle, knock boots) properly.
Niggas want beef, y'all could see me in the street

But you better come correct, cause we move around with heat
by enormus July 02, 2003
Term of endearment usually to a good friend; slang of bitch. Also can be substituted for biatch.
What's up, bia?
by hollow February 03, 2003
To wear an outfit completely devoid of lower bottom coverings, in the style of Donald Duck.
Dominic turned up to the party Full-Donald, and was subsequently arrested for indecent exposure.
by Nas Colan October 01, 2013
Death Penalty given by the state of Texas.
George Bush was Governor of Texas for 152 Texecutions.
by gvillezack August 25, 2007