About the Show

Anchored by Jake Tapper, The Lead airs at 4 p.m. ET on CNN.

Anchored by Jake Tapper, The Lead airs at 4 p.m. ET on CNN.

On the Next Episode of The Lead

Will Maine enforce quarantine on nurse who treated Ebola patients?

Will Maine enforce quarantine on nurse who treated Ebola patients?

national lead

October 29th, 2014
06:31 PM ET

Hawaii volcano: Lava inches closer to homes, but some might stay

Pahoa, Hawaii (CNN) - A 2,000-degree river of lava could swallow a dozen Hawaiian homes in the next day or two - and there's nothing anyone can do about it.

Molten rock from the Kilauea Volcano was about 350 yards from the nearest cluster of homes late Tuesday night, said Troy Scott of the Hawaii County Civil Defense Agency.

At some point Wednesday, the glowing lava could be visible from the houses, he said.


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Filed under: National Lead

national lead

October 29th, 2014
06:29 PM ET

Did the Russians hack the White House?

(CNN) – White House intruders aren't only coming from over the fence.

The Obama administration says hackers have broken into an unclassified computer network used by the President's top advisers. The White House would not confirm the nature of the attack, or when it happened, but according to the Washington Post, the Russians are responsible.

CNN's Pamela Brown reports.

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Filed under: National Lead

world lead

October 29th, 2014
06:24 PM ET

Report: Obama administration official calls Netanyahu a chickens**t

(CNN) – It is no secret relations between President Barack Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu have been rocky, at best.

Now the fight between the two 'frenemies' has devolved into the type of name-calling usually reserved for the Facebook comments section.

"The thing about Bibi is, he's a chickens**t," an Obama administration official told The Atlantic's Jeffrey Goldberg. "The good thing about Netanyahu is that he's scared to launch wars. The bad thing about him is that he won't do anything to reach an accommodation with the Palestinians or with the Sunni Arab states. The only thing he's interested in is protecting himself from political defeat. ... He's got no guts."

Welcome to Washington where people freely and crudely disparage the courage of others, but they'll only do so anonymously.

CNN's Wolf Blitzer, host of "The Situation Room" joins CNN's "The Lead with Jake Tapper" to discuss.

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Filed under: World Lead

politics lead

October 29th, 2014
06:17 PM ET

In Iowa, it already looks like 2016

(CNN) -  Some of the states getting the most visits this election season from big name politicians who may run for president, just happen to be crucial primary and caucus states!

CNN's Dana Bash reports.

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Filed under: Politics Lead

national lead

October 29th, 2014
06:14 PM ET

NASA contracting from private companies is cheaper, but also risky

(CNN) – The end of the space shuttle era amid government budget issues in 2011, was the beginning of officials seriously handing over the reins of space travel to private companies.

Ever since, questions have swirled about whether private companies can handle such dangerous work well, while watching the bottom line.

CNN's Tom Foreman reports.

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Filed under: National Lead
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