The Palestinian Authority

News about The Palestinian Authority, including commentary and archival articles published in The New York Times.

Chronology of Coverage

  1. Oct. 10, 2014

    Palestinian Prime Min Rami Hamdallah convenes first meeting of cabinet in Gaza in move meant to signal more involvement of West Bank-based Palestinian Authority in running enclave after seven years of control by Hamas; display of Palestinian unity is largely intended to inspire confidence ahead of an international donors’ conference for the reconstruction of Gaza. MORE

  2. Sep. 26, 2014

    Leaders of rival Palestinian factions Hamas and Fatah say they have agreed to resolve their differences and allow the Palestinian Authority to return to Gaza Strip so reconstruction can begin, but offer no specifics. MORE

  3. Sep. 17, 2014

    Temporary agreement is reached between Israel, Palestinian Authority and United Nations to allow Gaza to import materials for rebuilding. MORE

  4. Sep. 12, 2014

    Palestinian Authority Pres Mahmoud Abbas says that he has reached a deal with Israel and the United Nations to allow imports of reconstruction materials into the Gaza Strip, apparently bypassing Hamas to fulfill key tenet of cease-fire agreement that halted hostilities on Aug 26; Palestinian leaders estimate reconstruction costs at $7 billion and have planned an international donor conference for October. MORE

  5. Sep. 8, 2014

    Palestinian Authority Pres Mahmoud Abbas assails Hamas at meeting of Arab League, accusing it of running shadow government in Gaza; remarks call into question durability of unity pact between the two factions, and potentially complicate reconstruction of Gaza Strip. MORE

  6. Sep. 3, 2014

    Hanan Ashrawi, member of the Palestine Liberation Organization, says Palestinian Pres Mahmoud Abbas has decided to shelve already moribund American-sponsored peace talks and join International Criminal Court; Abbas intends to seek Security Council resolution that would demand end to Israeli occupation within three years. MORE

  7. Aug. 26, 2014

    Pres Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestinian Authority plans to present initiative that would bypass American-brokered negotiations with Israel to produce Palestinian state; it will give Israel a deadline to withdraw from occupied Palestinian territories. MORE

  8. Aug. 13, 2014

    News analysis; Palestinian Authority Pres Mahmoud Abbas is emerging as major player in Egyptian-mediated talks to end latest war in Gaza, becoming potential linchpin for Israel, Egypt and Hamas as they seek lasting arrangements Palestinian region. MORE

  9. Aug. 6, 2014

    Hamas, preparing for peace talks with Israel, announces that it will keep its military wing separate from any new coalition government, and allow it to prepare for future conflicts; move could undermine negotiations, which aim to disarm Hamas and form new unity government, and could lead to new clashes with Israel. MORE

  10. Aug. 6, 2014

    Thomas L Friedman Op-Ed column contends war in Gaza has revealed significant changes in what is becoming more and more a religious conflict; holds only hope for Israel in stabilizing Gaza Strip is by empowering the Palestinian Authority to take over border control in Gaza, and making territorial concessions in West Bank; warns unless Israeli and Palestinian moderates collaborate, zealots will take over the region. MORE

  11. Jun. 27, 2014

    Reconciliation deal intended to end bitter schism between Hamas and Fatah faction that dominates Palestinian Authority faces financial dilemma; Palestinian Prime Min Rami Hamdallah says he does not have enough money to pay both workers hired by Hamas and those employed by Palestinian Authority. MORE

  12. Jun. 23, 2014

    Abduction of three Israeli teenagers in West Bank has significantly escalated tensions between Israeli and Palestinian leadership, raising fears of third intifada in West Bank and Gaza Strip; kidnapping has prompted Israel to unleash most intense West Bank crackdown in nearly a decade, claiming lives of four Palestinians; Palestinian Authority Pres Mahmoud Abbas has incurred unprecedented wrath for aiding in Israel's search for teenagers. MORE

  13. Jun. 19, 2014

    President Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestinian Authority denounces abduction of three Israeli teenagers and vows to help catch the kidnappers; pressure has mounted on him and has threatened to collapse his fraying reconciliation pact with the militant Islamic movement Hamas; Abbas makes it clear that the Palestinian Authority is assisting Israel in its search for the teenagers. MORE

  14. Jun. 15, 2014

    Search continues for three Israeli teenagers who went missing in the West Bank and are presumed to have been abducted by Palestinian militants; situation underscores the complexity of Israel's relations with the Palestinian Authority and the authority's deep differences with Hamas despite a recent reconciliation pact. MORE

  15. Jun. 13, 2014

    Palestinian Authority Prime Min Rami Hamdallah acknowledges that he still lacks authority in Hamas-dominated Gaza Strip, despite new government now in place; offers no plan for disarming militants, integrating security forces of both sides, or even getting Gaza's 1.7 million residents to start paying taxes and electricity bills. MORE

  16. Jun. 7, 2014

    Prayer summit meeting to be held by Pope Francis with presidents of Israel and the Palestinian Authority shows how Francis is trying to pursue his goals by positioning the Vatican as an independent, global diplomatic player. MORE

  17. May. 28, 2014

    Memo From Jerusalem; Pope Francis returns from successful three-day trip to the Holy Land having navigated one of the world's most complex political minefields with a deft touch; elicited promise from Israeli Pres Shimon Peres and Pres Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestinian Authority to jointly attend peace prayer service at the Vatican, a symbolic but important gesture following collapse of peace talks one month earlier. MORE

  18. May. 26, 2014

    Pope Francis invites Israeli Pres Shimon Peres and Palestinian Authority Pres Mahmoud Abbas to join him at his Vatican apartment for prayer and summit meeting, inserting himself directly into effort to bring about peace in Middle East; invitation, issued during visit to Jerusalem, underscores Francis' intention to reassert Vatican's role as arbiter of international diplomacy. MORE

  19. May. 17, 2014

    Palestinian Authority Pres Mahmoud Abbas meets in London with Tzipi Livni, Israel's justice minister; it is first known face-to-face talks between two sides since American-brokered peace negotiations collapsed in April. MORE

  20. May. 13, 2014

    Sec of State John Kerry plans to meet with Palestinian Authority Pres Mahmoud Abbas in London; it will be the first meeting between the two since Obama administration said in April that it was going to pause diplomatic efforts and reassess the Middle East peace process. MORE

  21. May. 9, 2014

    Group of 17 human rights organizations including Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International urge Palestinian Authority Pres Mahmoud Abbas to join the International Criminal Court, move strongly opposed by Israel and the United States. MORE

  22. Apr. 27, 2014

    Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas issues formal statement calling the Holocaust 'the most heinous crime to have occurred against humanity in the modern era,' and expresses sympathy with victims' families; statement, which grew out of a meeting between Abbas and an American rabbi who promotes understanding between Muslims and Jews, is the first of such offering of condolences by Abbas. MORE

  23. Apr. 23, 2014

    Palestinian Authority Pres Mahmoud Abbas issues renewed warning that if American-sponsored Middle East peace talks fail, he may dissolve the authority and hand sole responsibility for the West Bank back to Israel; says Israel has, in any case, deprived him of any real power to govern the territory. MORE

  24. Apr. 11, 2014

    Israel, in response to Palestinian leadership's application to join 15 international conventions and treaties, will halt monthly transfer of tax revenues it collects on behalf of the Palestinian Authority and use the money to offset Palestinian debts to Israeli utility companies. MORE

  25. Apr. 4, 2014

    Israel says it will not go through with already delayed release of Palestinian prisoners and is considering further sanctions; decision is response to Palestinian Authority's push to join 15 international conventions and treaties; talks spiral into an impasse as each side accuses the other of bad faith and places impediments in the way of resolution. MORE

  26. Apr. 2, 2014

    Middle East peace talks verge on a breakdown after Palestinian Authority Pres Mahmoud Abbas defies the United States and Israel by taking concrete steps to join 15 international agencies; move signals an attempt to gain benefits of statehood outside the negotiations process; actions appear to catch American and Israeli officials by surprise, and prompts Sec of State John Kerry to cancel a planned return to the region. MORE

  27. Mar. 26, 2014

    Sec of State John Kerry plans to fly to Amman, Jordan, to meet with Palestinian Authority Pres Mahmoud Abbas; meeting comes as Middle East peace talks are threatened by confrontation over release of Palestinian prisoners from Israeli jails. MORE

  28. Mar. 24, 2014

    Palestinian Authority Pres Mahmoud Abbas indicates that he will not extend peace negotiations with Israel past March 29 unless Palestinian prisoners are released on that date as promised; Israel says it will not release prisoners unless talks are extended, leading to diplomatic impasse. MORE

  29. Mar. 18, 2014

    Palestinian Authority Pres Mahmoud Abbas makes clear in meeting at White House that he is no closer to recognizing Israel as a Jewish state, language that Israeli Prime Min Benjamin Netanyahu has insisted be applied to peace treaty; refusal leaves Sec of State John Kerry in tight spot just weeks before deadline for a framework accord. MORE

  30. Mar. 17, 2014

    Hamas prevents supporters of rival Fatah party from holding a rare demonstration in Gaza in solidarity with Pres Mahmoud Abbas ahead of meeting with Pres Obama in Washington; conflict is sign of enduring schism between Hamas and the Palestinian Authority that further complicates American-brokered Israeli-Palestinian peace efforts. MORE

  31. Mar. 8, 2014

    Secretary of State John Kerry makes unannounced visit to Jordan to consult King Abdullah II about Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations, even as Palestinian Authority Pres Mahmoud Abbas reiterates positions that underscore challenge Kerry faces. MORE

  32. Feb. 28, 2014

    Palestinian man Mutaz Washaha is found dead in his home in West Bank town of Bir Zeit after standoff with Israeli forces that had come to arrest him; Palestinian Authority condemns killing, calling it an assassination. MORE

  33. Feb. 13, 2014

    Israel rejects applications of Palestinian patients seeking treatment in Israel or the West Bank because paper bears logo 'State of Palestine' rather than 'Palestinian Authority'; Mahmoud Abbas, Palestinian president, ordered that the state logo be used on all official correspondence after he won status of nonmember observer state for Palestine at United Nations. MORE

  34. Feb. 3, 2014

    Palestinian Authority Pres Mahmoud Abbas proposes that American-led NATO force patrol future Palestinian state indefinitely; suggestion, made to Sec of State John Kerry, comes at sensitive stage of six month long peace negotiations, as Kerry prepares to present core framework of peace deal. MORE

  35. Jan. 29, 2014

    Palestinian Authority Pres Mahmoud Abbas says that he could accept Israeli military presence in West Bank for three-year transition period as part of peace deal, but that longer period is unacceptable; question of who will be responsible for security and for how long has been central to American-brokered peace talks. MORE

  36. Jan. 7, 2014

    Israeli officials highlight dozens of examples of negative statements about Israel and Jews in official Palestinian Authority media and textbooks in a new presentation delivered at an Israeli cabinet meeting; meeting comes on the day Secretary of State John Kerry left Israel after an intense four-day push for a framework agreement outlining prospects for a peace deal. MORE

  37. Jan. 2, 2014

    Jamal al-Jamal, Palestinian ambassador to the Czech Republic, dies after suffering severe injuries caused by an explosive booby trap security system in a safe at his Prague residence that he apparently had triggered by mistake; authorities say there is no indication the explosion was sabotage or a terrorist attack. MORE

  38. Dec. 16, 2013

    Gaza's lone power plant sputters back to life after $10 million grant from Qatar covering cost of diesel fuel from Israel; move brings relief to area, where a lack of cheap fuel has contributed to the overflow of raw sewage, 21-hour blackouts and flooding, and ends finger-pointing between Palestinian Authority and Hamas. MORE

  39. Dec. 10, 2013

    Representatives of Israel, Jordan and the Palestinian Authority sign agreement to build a Red Sea-Dead Sea water project that is meant to benefit all three parties; project addresses two problems: acute shortage of clean water in the region and the rapid contraction of the Dead Sea. MORE

  40. Jun. 24, 2013

    Palestinian Authority Pres Mahmoud Abbas accepts resignation of Prime Min Rami Hamdallah, who had asked to quit two weeks after being sworn into office. MORE

  41. Jun. 22, 2013

    Palestinian Authority Pres Mahmoud Abbas asks Prime Min Rami Hamdallah to reconsider his decision to step down after just two weeks in office. MORE

  42. Jun. 21, 2013

    Palestinian Authority's new Prime Min Rami Hamdallah submits his resignation after only two weeks in office, signal of continued internal political disarray amid American efforts to restart peace process with Israel; analysts say matter should not impinge on Pres Mahmoud Abbas's ability to make decisions regarding peace mission but that image of chronic political instability could undercut international support for effort. MORE

  43. Jun. 7, 2013

    Rami Hamdallah is sworn in as prime minister of the Palestinian Authority, replacing Salam Fayyad, internationally respected economist who resigned in April. MORE

  44. Jun. 4, 2013

    Rami Hamdallah, respected Palestinian academic known for his compassion, is chosen as Palestinian Authority's new prime minister; he is expected to lead a temporary, technocratic government for several months as Pres Mahmoud Abbas tries to reconcile differences between his own Fatah party and militant Hamas faction. MORE

  45. Jun. 3, 2013

    Palestinian Authority Pres Mahmoud Abbas appoints Rami Hamdallah, current president of West Bank university, to serve as his next prime minister. MORE

  46. May. 9, 2013

    News analysis; China takes modest step into Middle East diplomacy, hosting back-to-back visits from Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas and Israel's Prime Min Benjamin Netanyahu. MORE

  47. May. 6, 2013

    Mahmoud Abbas, president of the Palestinian Authority, arrives in Beijing seeking support from Chinese leaders just ahead of Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu's visit, but there are no plans for a meeting there between the two. MORE

  48. Apr. 24, 2013

    Thomas L Friedman Op-Ed column warns that resignation of Palestinian Authority Prime Min Salam Fayyad is bad news for progress that has been made toward transparent governance and a two-state solution in Middle East. MORE

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For Israelis and Palestinians, Another Divide to Contend With: Time

After decades of fighting over borders and refugees, Israelis and Palestinians cannot even agree on what time it is, as their daylight saving calendars remain out of sync.

October 29, 2014, Wednesday

Qatar Offers Cash to Pay Some Staff in Gaza Strip

Using a $30 million donation, the Palestinian Authority will distribute $1,200 each to about 24,000 public workers who have not been fully paid since last year.

October 29, 2014, Wednesday
MORE ON PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY AND: Palestinians , Hamas , Gaza Strip , Qatar , Palestinian Authority , Abu Shahla, Mamoun

Netanyahu Expedites Plan for More Than 1,000 New Apartments in East Jerusalem

The construction in the Jewish neighborhoods of Ramat Shlomo and Har Homa was expected to draw international condemnation and exacerbate fissures in the governing coalition.

October 28, 2014, Tuesday

Aid for Gazans Arrives, but Remains Untouched

Reconstruction of homes damaged or destroyed in this summer’s battle between Israel and Hamas remains distant, as supplies allowed into Gaza this month remain untouched, baffling residents.

October 26, 2014, Sunday

Israeli Troops Kill Palestinian Teenager in the West Bank, the 2nd in 8 Days

The Israeli military said the youth had thrown a firebomb onto a main road often used by settlers.

October 25, 2014, Saturday

U.N. Chief Offers Stark View of Gaza Devastation

Reconstruction efforts fail to soften the harsh critique by the secretary general of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon, who called the destruction “beyond description.”

October 15, 2014, Wednesday

Having to Rebuild Gaza, Again

What is the point of spending many millions of dollars to reconstruct the strip just so it can be destroyed in the next war?

October 11, 2014, Saturday

After Years of Hamas Control, Gaza Is Scene of Palestinian Cabinet Meeting

The display of Palestinian unity was largely intended to inspire confidence ahead of an international donors’ conference for the reconstruction of Gaza.

October 10, 2014, Friday

Palestine’s ‘Nuclear Option’

Until Mahmoud Abbas moves toward dissolving the Palestinian Authority, the international community won't take him seriously.

October 7, 2014, Tuesday
MORE ON PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY AND: Palestinians , Palestinian Authority , Abbas, Mahmoud , Israel

Palestinian Leader Urges U.N. to Press for Deadline to End Israeli Occupation

Addressing the General Assembly, the Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas, criticized Israel but did not offer his own time frame for an Israeli withdrawal.

September 27, 2014, Saturday
MORE ON PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY AND: Abbas, Mahmoud , Palestinians , Israel , United Nations , Gaza Strip , Palestinian Authority


Challenges in Defining an Israeli-Palestinian Border

There are major hurdles in drawing borders between Israel and a future Palestine.


Palestinian President Addresses U.N.

President Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestinian Authority spoke on Friday at the 69th session of the United Nations General Assembly.

U.S. Diplomacy in the Gaza Crisis

As the death toll rises in the latest round of Israeli-Palestinian fighting, a look at the Obama administration’s strategy for reaching a cease-fire.

In Gaza, Work but No Pay

Being a government employee in Gaza does not guarantee a paycheck, as workers hired by rival political factions fight for scarce funds.

Abbas Renews Warning to Israel on Talks

Mahmoud Abbas, president of the Palestinian Authority, renewed warnings that Israel would have to take on the responsibility of governing Palestinian lands if peace talks did not continue.

Gazans on Peace Negotiation Breakdown

Residents reflect on the impact of the breakdown of American-brokered negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians.

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