Journalism code and the people who make it

Project redesign The Guardian Launches an Open Redesign for US Readers

The Guardian Launches an Open Redesign for US Readers

The new site is responsive, speedy, and fully backed by new tools for journalists. We spoke with the project’s leaders about their experience, the new features, and what they have planned for the future.

Roundup events Event Roundup, Oct 20

Event Roundup, Oct 20

Events are happening this weekend in West Virginia, Munich, Córdoba, and of course, London for the Mozilla Festival.

Learning data The Census of Governments Has Your Number

The Census of Governments Has Your Number

Michael Maciag‘s walk-through of this under-utilized goldmine.

Event CrowData CrowData Grows Up

CrowData Grows Up

A La Nación hackathon to enhance the open-source file-freeing tool behind VozData results in a better CrowData and a tall list of changes to come.

Roundup events Event Roundup, Oct 13

Event Roundup, Oct 13

Events in New York, Bogotá, and London, plus the deadline for the next OpenNews code convening.

How-to mapping Twitter Twitter Mapping: Foundations

Twitter Mapping: Foundations

Twitter’s data editor lays out the major challenges and opportunities that arise when you set out to map tweets.

Project The Case for Flat Files in Big Data Projects

The Case for Flat Files in Big Data Projects

Time’s Chris Wilson and Pratheek Rebala open up the enormous Open Payments dataset from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services using flat files and Ajax.

Roundup events Event Roundup, Oct 6

Event Roundup, Oct 6

Hacks/Hackers are meeting up in four countries this week, plus applications are open to participate in a hackathon at Al Jazeera.

Tool csvkit Eleven Awesome Things You Can Do with csvkit

Eleven Awesome Things You Can Do with csvkit

Christopher Groskopf, master of CSVs, breaks down the magical powers of csvkit.

Learning data Finding Stories in Census Data

Finding Stories in Census Data

Emily Alpert Reyes on how to find promising needles in Census haystacks.

Roundup events Event Roundup, Sept 29

Event Roundup, Sept 29

Conferences in Japan and Mexico, plus meetups in New York and Vienna.

Learning design A Big Article About Wee Things

A Big Article About Wee Things

Lena Groeger on the magical powers of every little thing.

Project Django OpenNews code convening CAL-ACCESS civic data Introducing the California Civic Data Coalition

Introducing the California Civic Data Coalition

Launching with two new Django applications ready made to make California campaign finance data easier to access.

Project video sync Video Synchronization for Collective Viewing

POV’s Brian Chirls on why video sync is a giant pain and how to make it work.

Project video Empire: Lessons from Pushing the Boundaries of Web Video

Empire: Lessons from Pushing the Boundaries of Web Video

Brian Chirls introduces an ambitious video framework for a challenging interactive documentary.

Roundup events Event Roundup, Sept 22

Event Roundup, Sept 22

Web journalism lovers descend on Chicago this year for the Online News Association annual conference.

Learning data Gender, Twitter, and the Value of Taking Things Apart

Gender, Twitter, and the Value of Taking Things Apart

Jake Harris reverse-engineers Twee-Q to evaluate its use of data (and see if his ratio is as disappointing as Twee-Q says it is)

Roundup events Event Roundup, Sept 8

Event Roundup, Sept 8

Hacks/Hackers meeting up in Europe, and geography nerds in Portland, OR this week.

Project JavaScript data From the BBC News Labs: Datastringer

From the BBC News Labs: Datastringer

Basile Simon walks through the process of building a new tool that aims to help reporters cover beats, and that was prompted by work by Knight-Mozilla Fellows and a presentation at Hacks/Hackers London.
