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first page of War diary kept by Captain Neil Cantlie, RAMC, with the 6th Division at the Battle of the Somme, Sept - Oct 1916

War diary kept by Captain Neil Cantlie, RAMC, with the 6th Division at the Battle of the Somme, Sept - Oct 1916



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Royal Army Medical Corps archives


With an order, 1915, from DADMS, 7th Division, re isolation of troops with a history of enteric fever, a draft report [1916] re medical arrangements in connection with the operations on the Somme, trench maps, 1916-1917 of the Western Front around Lens and Ligny, a plan of Loos [1917?], a parody of the form letters which soldiers sent to their wives, "6th Division letter form B (wives)", 1917.

Originals held by

Army Medical Services Museum, Keogh Barracks

