John Wiley Price, Shuffling in Cuffs and Leg-Irons, Enters His Plea

Categories: Schutze

U.S. Attorney Sarah Saldana laid out indictments giving a whole new meaning to "business friendly" in Dallas.
Reporters do not gasp, generally speaking, but there were muttered exclamations that might as well have been gasps when Dallas County Commissioner John Wiley Price, age 64, was led into a large and formal federal courtroom this afternoon. His hands were manacled behind his back, his awkward gait in leg-irons an ironic echo of the slow-walking technique he made famous in youthful years as a street protester.

See also: John Wiley Price and Associates Indicted by Feds in Alleged Bribery Scheme

The arraignments of Price and three others followed a mid-day press conference in which U.S. Attorney Sarah Saldana laid out the basic case, which has everything to do with business. Dallas businesses large and small used Price and political consultant Kathy Nealy to get contracts, the indictment claims, but also to gain an inside track on projects and requests for proposals as they were being developed. The big picture painted by Saldana was of a climate that could be very business friendly, if a business paid to play, while putting a knife in the backs of those that did not.

Following Price into the courtroom later, also shuffling in cuffs and leg-irons, came Nealy, 64, Price's executive assistant Dapheny Fain, 52, and Nealy associate Christian Campbell, 44. A few people in the public pews stood up and craned to see their leg-irons. One whispered, "I never thought I would see that."

Mixed with the four defendants were four other federal defendants, one in an orange jumpsuit and two others in gray prison stripes. The four high-profile defendants were taken first while the others looked on, one of them unable to stop gaping at Price.

All four defendants in the public corruption case entered pleas of not guilty in a subdued proceeding before U.S. Magistrate Judge Paul D. Stickney. The only expression of any feeling was in Price's emphatic "not guilty."

Price's attorney, Billy Ravkind, clearly in diminished health, had to be helped into the courtroom by two women, one his wife and the other apparently a legal assistant. Nealy was represented by Cheryl Wattley and Thomas W. Mills appeared for Fain. Both are considered top-drawer white collar defense lawyers. Campbell also was represented by a star of the bar, former Assistant U.S. Attorney Terence Hart, who has been on both sides of major federal corruption cases in the past.

But both Nealy and Fain told the court they would plead indigence and ask for court-appointed lawyers to handle the balance of their cases. Stickney directed them to fill out paperwork and said the question of their eligibility for publicly paid lawyers would be decided later.

Fain seemed bright, even cheerful, smiling to acquaintances in the room. It was a somewhat surprising demeanor given rumors over the last couple of years that the slow-grinding federal corruption probe was wearing on her. Nealy was grim.

Dressed in a neat white shirt buttoned to the collar and pleated blue slacks, Price was subdued and distant, as if watching the procedure from afar. When he spoke his voice was almost inaudible except for his not guilty plea.

All were released on their own recognizance after Assistant U.S. Attorney Walt Junker told the court they had been taken into custody without incident. They were ordered not to contact each other or any witnesses in the case, but Stickney made a special dispensation for Fain so that she could continue to carry out her duties as Price's assistant.

The four were required to turn in their passports, surrender any firearms and seek permission before traveling. At the end of the proceeding Stickney asked Ravkind if he agreed with all of the terms of his client's release.

"We always agree with the judge," Ravkind said.

My Voice Nation Help

It's been a long time coming but there is still hope. Maybe Craig Watkins can get a sample of JWP's DNA and get him off using the Innocence Project. We can only hope!  



Home > News > Crime > Crime HeadlinesPerot firm Hillwood apparently caught up in John Wiley Price scandal1382808AAFile 2008/Staff PhotoJohn Wiley Price’s efforts on behalf of H. Ross Perot’s company Hillwood in 2007 helped delay progress on the southern Dallas County trading hub for overseas freight. Authorities allege that Price threw his support behind Hillwood and that he was getting illegal payments from Kathy Nealy, a Price associate Hillwood had hired to “lobby” for its project.


Staff Writer

Published: 26 July 2014 11:28 PM

Updated: 26 July 2014 11:51 PM


Ross Perot Jr. got lots of political help with his investment in southern Dallas County’s inland port — a trading center and distribution hub for freight arriving from overseas.

County Commissioner John Wiley Price maneuvered on Perot’s behalf several years ago, casting votes to benefit the Dallas billionaire and writing letters vouching for his company, Hillwood.

Now, the federal indictment against Price repeatedly mentions a company dubbed “Business H” — an apparent reference to Hillwood. Authorities allege that Price threw his support behind Hillwood and that he was getting illegal payments from Kathy Nealy, a Price associate Hillwood had hired to “lobby” for its project.

The indictment accuses Price of getting from Nealy $950,000 in cars, cash and land in exchange for him favoring her clients. It does not make clear what portion of the alleged benefits were related to the inland port or to Hillwood.

Still, it’s one of the most prominent businesses to have been caught up in the federal inquiry. No one at Hillwood has been accused of wrongdoing. And its officials have said they are cooperating with investigators.

Authorities served Hillwood with a subpoena for documents in 2011. They also called Hillwood representatives to testify before a grand jury looking into Price.

Perot declined through a spokesman Friday to “publicly comment on any pending legal matters.”

Price and Nealy have denied the allegations.

This much is known: Price’s efforts on behalf of Hillwood in 2007 helped delay progress on a trading hub billed as a powerful economic engine to help some of the county’s most neglected areas.

The project has faced competition from Perot. He runs an inland port in Fort Worth called AllianceTexas. Opened in 1989, the port is envied by cities across the country.

Alleged shakedown

The Dallas port’s primary backers, a group led by California developer Richard Allen, began to get crosswise with Price soon after Allen’s arrival in 2005.

Allen said he believed that because he declined to hire three consultants, Price threw impediments in his path. Allen accused Price and others of trying to shake him down.

Price denied that, saying he only wanted Allen to include minorities long locked out of such developments.

In 2006, Hillwood officials delayed a crucial application by the Dallas hub for federal status inside a foreign trade zone. Hillwood put in a last-minute bid to include its 113-acre business park in nearby DeSoto.

Price staunchly backed Hillwood, which was a longtime Nealy client.

In mid-2006, the indictment says, Price agreed to meet with Nealy about Hillwood’s inland port concerns. That September, he pulled an item about the trade zone from the commissioners’ agenda.

Later that year, meeting with Hillwood executives, Price again agreed to remove an item from the next day’s agenda, the indictment says. After that, he told an unnamed Dallas City Council member if he didn’t endorse the Hillwood parcel’s inclusion in the trade zone, Price wouldn’t approve the trade zone application, the indictment says.

After the commission’s backing, the proposal still would need approval from the Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport board and the federal government.

Trade zone OK’d

In May 2007, after a six-month delay, commissioners finally OK’d the trade zone plan, giving separate approval for Hillwood’s portion. Price was the lone vote against the measure, saying he wanted Hillwood’s DeSoto trade center approved in the same court order.

"It's subterfuge," Price said after the meeting. "It sends a different kind of message. It tells the D/FW Airport board to go forward and if you get around to it, include DeSoto, also."

The indictment against Price accuses Nealy of funneling a stream of payments to him during this time, including:

The day after Price voted against the trade zone proposal, she gave Price $2,500.

She gave him another $2,500 two days later.

About that time, a Hillwood executive praised Nealy’s efforts in an email, writing, “Whatever you are doing is certainly working for us.” Days later, Nealy wrote Price a $4,000 check from her personal bank account.

“While Price publicly advocated for and sponsored Business H in the above described manner,” the indictment alleges, “Price and Nealy conducted secret, concealed transactions to advance Business H's interests and to unlawfully enrich themselves and others…”

Entities backing the Dallas hub filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in early 2010. Allen, who had guaranteed loans for the project, filed for personal bankruptcy later that year.

The project was reorganized and still continues.


God bless, but Livefyre needs a mute function yesterday.


smichaelclark59 Google and you will find, grasshopper.  That's the great thing about these internetz.  You can check yourself before showing your stupidity.

Use these search terms:  Negro and capitalized

It was an entire movement that has been accepted by journalists and the English departments of your precious American education system.  I know that it is difficult to accept history that does not put white people at the center, but your refusal to recognize, acknowledge, and *gasp* attempt to understand what goes on with the rest of the world doesn't make the history magically disappear.

You are obviously a quick study though, because I do see that you used the proper capitalization this time around.  Now, you just need to update your entire vocabulary around this ethnic group.  There are some more contemporary names to use ya know.  You are smart to suppress the urge to use your favorite "name" for black people though... you might get banned from this wasteland.  And if that happened, what would you do with your pitiful life??? Seeing your long history of staying in the comment threads of all the local news blogs. What. Would. You. Do Then. Michael?


No the rally is downtown at the courthouse Jane doesn't know anything


Jane_Elkins  Some one just emailed me and said the only reason you Jane were so defense was you are the one of many that have been sucking JWP for years like the other 2 women indicted 


Jane_Elkins  I think you might be on Crystal Meth.  You are rampling and make no sense.  She is replying to my comments put blocks me so I can't respond to her and her comments don't appear on here read this and see for yourselves

smichaelclark59 Google and you will find, grasshopper.  That's the great thing about these internetz.  You can check yourself before showing your stupidity.

Use these search terms:  Negro and capitalized

It was an entire movement that has been accepted by journalists and the English departments of your precious American education system.  I know that it is difficult to accept history that does not put white people at the center, but your refusal to recognize, acknowledge, and *gasp* attempt to understand what goes on with the rest of the world doesn't make the history magically disappear.

You are obviously a quick study though, because I do see that you used the proper capitalization this time around.  Now, you just need to update your entire vocabulary around this ethnic group.  There are some more contemporary names to use ya know.  You are smart to suppress the urge to use your favorite "name" for black people though... you might get banned from this wasteland.  And if that happened, what would you do with your pitiful life??? Seeing your long history of staying in the comment threads of all the local news blogs. What. Would. You. Do Then. Michael?


If the supporters of jwp are going to rally shouldn't the supporters of the government rally too? 

Anyone interested in getting a couple thousand people together to out number the few supports from west side baptist church?


Jane_Elkins How ignorant can 1 black lady be.  Jane your are such a dumb ass..  Please explain to everyone why the word Negro should every be capitalized.  Please spell it out to us with all the bull shit you are so good at.  Come on woman.  Lets here it. You know what .  I think what you need is a big black dick honey.  You women need to be put in your place. Shut up and sit down you are embarassing your entire race nation wide.   OH in case you didn't know CNN and MSNBC has picked up this story.  This will only further puts Dallas on the hate list for the rest of the nation.   No wonder the Mayor is having problem getting big business to come here.  You must have gone to Paul Quinn College for your education.


Is there any indication that the DOJ will be looking into the businesses that paid these "fees" to Nealy that wound up lining Price's pockets? Unless these people who paid the bribes are brought out into the open, I am afraid that they will just see this latest episode as a sunk cost of doing business in Dallas County. Mr. Price and his associates will have their day in court .... I just do not understand why they should be alone. Might send a clearer signal that business as usual in Dallas Co. is no longer the same old "usual" if JWP, et al, had some company in the dock.




When will the FEDS do the same to Paul Quinn.  Reported wrong doing to FBI 3 years ago and they have still done nothing.  Hard to make a black establishment in Dallas follow any laws when the feds know of wrong doing and do nothing 


I want to know which one of his cohorts rolled over on him!  I'm betting that the trial will reveal far more than is being exposed in the indictments!  And, if we are real lucky, someone will give a 'come to Jesus' interview with the press, hoping that a total revelation of all the sins they committed with JWP will get them a lighter sentence.  So, come on down!  Show the world some real remorse!  JWP can't hurt you now.  So give him a few kicks where it hurts and reveal his true character!

holmantx topcommenter

jane, Jane JANE!

Too bad John Wiley Price didn't offer sincere responses and reasonings to his apparent mockery specifically targeted at white people.  Over his tenure he has run a calculated scheme of name-calling, court-jestering, physical assaults, one battery, race-baiting snears and smirks ALL choreographed for the local press and his constituency.  So whose man downtown is he?

He is in precisely the cartoon court of Public Opinion he so meticulously constructed and manicured in order to flash his ass at those citizens he openly holds in very low regard, solely because of the color of their skin.

And if they got money and power he is being accused of being quite naked about it – you want something in my county, white boy? pony up.

Your sudden righteousness would not be misplaced if he had reached out just ONE DAY out each of the last 20 years . . . to set aside his “my-race-first-shtick” to hang a coherent explanation to it, but no.

Jane, there is no angry young Black man in bondage standing before us.  We have yet but another county commissioner charged with abuse of public office for personal gain, and the charges appear to be over a very long time, and on a grand scale.  And how historically Texas is that?

So he finally got caught and is being tarred and feathered.  Now comes Jane.  Well Jane, it works like this, hon:

"Chi semina vento raccoglie tempesta." Italian Proverb "He that sows the wind reaps the whirlwind."


@smichaelclark59 Why are you copying and pasting my comments out of context?  Just curious...

I mean all anyone has to do is just scroll down and they will see which of your "questions" this was in response to.

Your projection of crystal meth usage onto me is rather curious now given this peculiar hobby of replicating my comments that are LITerally 2 swipes of the fingers down.


Jane_Elkins said YES! Everyone, PLEASE show up to WESTSIDE BAPTIST CHURCH.  It's in Lewisville.  And although there have been no reported rallies in support of JWP at this church, there are BLACK people there.  And that is all that is really important to S. Michael.

white power.


Jane_Elkins said

smichaelclark59 He must have been the one taking the photos at our college-educated-Negro-"Black Panther bow tie(d)" orgy at Paul Quinn.  Tell him hello for me will ya?  Inquire how the wife and kids are doing...
Thanks hun.


@smichaelclark59 He must have been the one taking the photos at our college-educated-Negro-"Black Panther bow tie(d)" orgy at Paul Quinn.  Tell him hello for me will ya?  Inquire how the wife and kids are doing...

Thanks hun.


@smichaelclark59 YES! Everyone, PLEASE show up to WESTSIDE BAPTIST CHURCH.  It's in Lewisville.  And although there have been no reported rallies in support of JWP at this church, there are BLACK people there.  And that is all that is really important to S. Michael.

white power.


@smichaelclark59 Google and you will find, grasshopper.  That's the great thing about these internetz.  You can check yourself before showing your stupidity.

Use these search terms:  Negro and capitalized

It was an entire movement that has been accepted by journalists and the English departments of your precious American education system.  I know that it is difficult to accept history that does not put white people at the center, but your refusal to recognize, acknowledge, and *gasp* attempt to understand what goes on with the rest of the world doesn't make the history magically disappear.

You are obviously a quick study though, because I do see that you used the proper capitalization this time around.  Now, you just need to update your entire vocabulary around this ethnic group.  There are some more contemporary names to use ya know.  You are smart to suppress the urge to use your favorite "name" for black people though... you might get banned from this wasteland.  And if that happened, what would you do with your pitiful life??? Seeing your long history of staying in the comment threads of all the local news blogs. What. Would. You. Do Then. Michael?


@IMHO Here is one...............

Home > News > Crime > Crime HeadlinesPerot firm Hillwood apparently caught up in John Wiley Price scandal1382808AAFile 2008/Staff PhotoJohn Wiley Price’s efforts on behalf of H. Ross Perot’s company Hillwood in 2007 helped delay progress on the southern Dallas County trading hub for overseas freight. Authorities allege that Price threw his support behind Hillwood and that he was getting illegal payments from Kathy Nealy, a Price associate Hillwood had hired to “lobby” for its project.


Staff Writer

Published: 26 July 2014 11:28 PM

Updated: 26 July 2014 11:51 PM


Ross Perot Jr. got lots of political help with his investment in southern Dallas County’s inland port — a trading center and distribution hub for freight arriving from overseas.

County Commissioner John Wiley Price maneuvered on Perot’s behalf several years ago, casting votes to benefit the Dallas billionaire and writing letters vouching for his company, Hillwood.

Now, the federal indictment against Price repeatedly mentions a company dubbed “Business H” — an apparent reference to Hillwood. Authorities allege that Price threw his support behind Hillwood and that he was getting illegal payments from Kathy Nealy, a Price associate Hillwood had hired to “lobby” for its project.

The indictment accuses Price of getting from Nealy $950,000 in cars, cash and land in exchange for him favoring her clients. It does not make clear what portion of the alleged benefits were related to the inland port or to Hillwood.

Still, it’s one of the most prominent businesses to have been caught up in the federal inquiry. No one at Hillwood has been accused of wrongdoing. And its officials have said they are cooperating with investigators.

Authorities served Hillwood with a subpoena for documents in 2011. They also called Hillwood representatives to testify before a grand jury looking into Price.

Perot declined through a spokesman Friday to “publicly comment on any pending legal matters.”

Price and Nealy have denied the allegations.

This much is known: Price’s efforts on behalf of Hillwood in 2007 helped delay progress on a trading hub billed as a powerful economic engine to help some of the county’s most neglected areas.

The project has faced competition from Perot. He runs an inland port in Fort Worth called AllianceTexas. Opened in 1989, the port is envied by cities across the country.

Alleged shakedown

The Dallas port’s primary backers, a group led by California developer Richard Allen, began to get crosswise with Price soon after Allen’s arrival in 2005.

Allen said he believed that because he declined to hire three consultants, Price threw impediments in his path. Allen accused Price and others of trying to shake him down.

Price denied that, saying he only wanted Allen to include minorities long locked out of such developments.

In 2006, Hillwood officials delayed a crucial application by the Dallas hub for federal status inside a foreign trade zone. Hillwood put in a last-minute bid to include its 113-acre business park in nearby DeSoto.

Price staunchly backed Hillwood, which was a longtime Nealy client.

In mid-2006, the indictment says, Price agreed to meet with Nealy about Hillwood’s inland port concerns. That September, he pulled an item about the trade zone from the commissioners’ agenda.

Later that year, meeting with Hillwood executives, Price again agreed to remove an item from the next day’s agenda, the indictment says. After that, he told an unnamed Dallas City Council member if he didn’t endorse the Hillwood parcel’s inclusion in the trade zone, Price wouldn’t approve the trade zone application, the indictment says.

After the commission’s backing, the proposal still would need approval from the Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport board and the federal government.

Trade zone OK’d

In May 2007, after a six-month delay, commissioners finally OK’d the trade zone plan, giving separate approval for Hillwood’s portion. Price was the lone vote against the measure, saying he wanted Hillwood’s DeSoto trade center approved in the same court order.

"It's subterfuge," Price said after the meeting. "It sends a different kind of message. It tells the D/FW Airport board to go forward and if you get around to it, include DeSoto, also."

The indictment against Price accuses Nealy of funneling a stream of payments to him during this time, including:

The day after Price voted against the trade zone proposal, she gave Price $2,500.

She gave him another $2,500 two days later.

About that time, a Hillwood executive praised Nealy’s efforts in an email, writing, “Whatever you are doing is certainly working for us.” Days later, Nealy wrote Price a $4,000 check from her personal bank account.

“While Price publicly advocated for and sponsored Business H in the above described manner,” the indictment alleges, “Price and Nealy conducted secret, concealed transactions to advance Business H's interests and to unlawfully enrich themselves and others…”

Entities backing the Dallas hub filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in early 2010. Allen, who had guaranteed loans for the project, filed for personal bankruptcy later that year.

The project was reorganized and still continues.


@IMHO My guess is that the local U.S. Attorney, and the local FBI, are being "encouraged" by the locals to do a thorough job.  And, with all of the evidence, I think they may be waiting for him to plead out and minimize his sentence. 

I don't for a minute think JWP, or one of his pals, hasn't contacted Holder in the DOJ to suggest right before an election is not a good time to take this case to court.  But, I don't have any information to that effect.


@holmantx I am not sure why your diatribe is directed towards me as I have clearly stated I am not here to debate the accusations of political corruption.  My critique is of the media and the language used to report this scandal that at times are reinforcing the racist mindset.  No matter your feelings on JWP and his antics hon, it is not acceptable for those who call themselves "progressives" or those who are the field of mass media to give matches to the cross-burners.  Or tar for that matter.

Now, if you want to debate any of the points in my critique of the headline with more than, "It is not racist because I said so" then please do; although, I cannot promise you the engagement back that you may seek in doing so. You can continue to write me love letters, however.  This one seems to be pretty lucid and although there are some aspects of your opinion that are debatable, there are others with which I would concur. 

I now know that calling me a slut through a YouTube clip was akin to the kindergarten "I hate girls" kind of love.  




@holmantx careful old man, jane has more of a brain than you did 45 years ago.  you are way out of your league. 


@holmantx I couldn't agree more, and your evaluation of Commissioner Price is spot on.  Everybody in the public eye has some kind of shtick that is their own version of branding.  Price's shtick has been playing to the base emotions of the black community, engaging in the politics of division, and "Our man downtown" went through a metamorphosis whenever elections rolled around.  He needed money from the white community, but needed votes from the black community. 

Former Dallas County Judge Lee Jackson once told a small group of business people that whenever he needed a pro-business vote, Price was almost always there.  Yet, part of his (Price) shtick was bad-mouthing that same enclave of Dallas. 

My impression is that Price is - on some levels - a very complicated guy caught in a radical time of change in Dallas.  But,  his motives are as simple as can be.


@Jane_Elkins @smichaelclark59 TOLD YOU SO!!!!

Home > News > Crime > Crime HeadlinesPerot firm Hillwood apparently caught up in John Wiley Price scandal1382808AAFile 2008/Staff PhotoJohn Wiley Price’s efforts on behalf of H. Ross Perot’s company Hillwood in 2007 helped delay progress on the southern Dallas County trading hub for overseas freight. Authorities allege that Price threw his support behind Hillwood and that he was getting illegal payments from Kathy Nealy, a Price associate Hillwood had hired to “lobby” for its project.


Staff Writer

Published: 26 July 2014 11:28 PM

Updated: 26 July 2014 11:51 PM


Ross Perot Jr. got lots of political help with his investment in southern Dallas County’s inland port — a trading center and distribution hub for freight arriving from overseas.

County Commissioner John Wiley Price maneuvered on Perot’s behalf several years ago, casting votes to benefit the Dallas billionaire and writing letters vouching for his company, Hillwood.

Now, the federal indictment against Price repeatedly mentions a company dubbed “Business H” — an apparent reference to Hillwood. Authorities allege that Price threw his support behind Hillwood and that he was getting illegal payments from Kathy Nealy, a Price associate Hillwood had hired to “lobby” for its project.

The indictment accuses Price of getting from Nealy $950,000 in cars, cash and land in exchange for him favoring her clients. It does not make clear what portion of the alleged benefits were related to the inland port or to Hillwood.

Still, it’s one of the most prominent businesses to have been caught up in the federal inquiry. No one at Hillwood has been accused of wrongdoing. And its officials have said they are cooperating with investigators.

Authorities served Hillwood with a subpoena for documents in 2011. They also called Hillwood representatives to testify before a grand jury looking into Price.

Perot declined through a spokesman Friday to “publicly comment on any pending legal matters.”

Price and Nealy have denied the allegations.

This much is known: Price’s efforts on behalf of Hillwood in 2007 helped delay progress on a trading hub billed as a powerful economic engine to help some of the county’s most neglected areas.

The project has faced competition from Perot. He runs an inland port in Fort Worth called AllianceTexas. Opened in 1989, the port is envied by cities across the country.

Alleged shakedown

The Dallas port’s primary backers, a group led by California developer Richard Allen, began to get crosswise with Price soon after Allen’s arrival in 2005.

Allen said he believed that because he declined to hire three consultants, Price threw impediments in his path. Allen accused Price and others of trying to shake him down.

Price denied that, saying he only wanted Allen to include minorities long locked out of such developments.

In 2006, Hillwood officials delayed a crucial application by the Dallas hub for federal status inside a foreign trade zone. Hillwood put in a last-minute bid to include its 113-acre business park in nearby DeSoto.

Price staunchly backed Hillwood, which was a longtime Nealy client.

In mid-2006, the indictment says, Price agreed to meet with Nealy about Hillwood’s inland port concerns. That September, he pulled an item about the trade zone from the commissioners’ agenda.

Later that year, meeting with Hillwood executives, Price again agreed to remove an item from the next day’s agenda, the indictment says. After that, he told an unnamed Dallas City Council member if he didn’t endorse the Hillwood parcel’s inclusion in the trade zone, Price wouldn’t approve the trade zone application, the indictment says.

After the commission’s backing, the proposal still would need approval from the Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport board and the federal government.

Trade zone OK’d

In May 2007, after a six-month delay, commissioners finally OK’d the trade zone plan, giving separate approval for Hillwood’s portion. Price was the lone vote against the measure, saying he wanted Hillwood’s DeSoto trade center approved in the same court order.

"It's subterfuge," Price said after the meeting. "It sends a different kind of message. It tells the D/FW Airport board to go forward and if you get around to it, include DeSoto, also."

The indictment against Price accuses Nealy of funneling a stream of payments to him during this time, including:

The day after Price voted against the trade zone proposal, she gave Price $2,500.

She gave him another $2,500 two days later.

About that time, a Hillwood executive praised Nealy’s efforts in an email, writing, “Whatever you are doing is certainly working for us.” Days later, Nealy wrote Price a $4,000 check from her personal bank account.

“While Price publicly advocated for and sponsored Business H in the above described manner,” the indictment alleges, “Price and Nealy conducted secret, concealed transactions to advance Business H's interests and to unlawfully enrich themselves and others…”

Entities backing the Dallas hub filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in early 2010. Allen, who had guaranteed loans for the project, filed for personal bankruptcy later that year.

The project was reorganized and still continues.


no one is talking about anything in Lewisville.  The rally is downtown at the courthouse honey


@smichaelclark59 yes i said that.  learn the functions of your computer.  SCROLL down and you will see which one of your upchucks that i was replying to.  Work those thumbs.


@smichaelclark59 and while you are at it...  Invite him to the party.  No need to email you to spew misogyny.  Nooooooo-- D.O. won't have that.

Folks are very comfortable here doing it in the "open."

I'll bake some cookies while we wait.


@Jane_Elkins @smichaelclark59 It's cheap and easy to block someone.

Buy a blindfold, and when you see a name you wish to obscure put the blindfold on until  you have scrolled down past the post. 

No fuss; no muss; no mistakes.  :)


@smichaelclark59 @IMHO It is not complete justice if an  elected official is bribed and the briber walks away unscathed.If JWP did these things then we are still in the same cycle of corruption if the ones lining his pockets are not brought to the bar. 

holmantx topcommenter

@Jane_Elkins @holmantx

The only fuel provided to the racist mindset at hand was your zealous attack upon the literary license taken to describe his predicament.

Yours was off message and, taken in the whole, lost in translation.

If it were "clearly stated" you would not have so much difficulty explaining it.

holmantx topcommenter

@bippyizod @holmantx

"but also think people can get pregnant without fucking"

Then you can go fuck yourself and the world remains safe from your hyenas?


@noblefurrtexas Your branding is that you brag about having a conversation with an attorney. You think that EVERYONE is a mess but also think people can get pregnant without fucking. 

What brand of christian are you again....other than typical?

holmantx topcommenter

@noblefurrtexas @holmantx

Those who paid Price and other black politicians rely upon the same race card Blackocrats do, to not get caught.  It's a shield, better than a Get Out Of Jail Free Card.

Diametrically opposed to the race-bait assertion that Back politicians are unfairly singled out is the reality they are spared prosecution locally, and why the FBI cannot rely upon local police to assist in the investigation.

The only time these cats are brought to justice is by the Justice Department, always under federal laws.

Every other crooked politician in the state just gets prosecuted for taking a bribe under the Texas Penal Code.

And the only thing Mr. Schutze can think of when race-baited by a plain Jane, is to apologize.  He's an enabler.


@smichaelclark59 @Jane_Elkins It is highly likely that nothing will happen to the Perot family.  They allegedly paid Nealy for services, and probably had no idea she was bribing Price -- although it's been well known in some enclaves of the city. 

Unless Nealy can prove to a high standard that she told the Perots she would use part of her "fees" for bribing Price and for gifting other public officials, she's probably going to go down, and they will continue to be among the most prolific and generous civic donors in Dallas history. 

As well, if the FBI and prosecutors can prove Nealy also took money from others and gave it to Commissioner Price, the Perots will probably be totally off the hook. There is no way Nealy didn't know it was a felony to bribe a pulic official,but Price also knew accepting such money was a felony. 

It's a shame to see Commissioner Price throw a career in public service out the proverbial window.  But, it's been rumored for several years that he was cutting corners for favors, and to benefit himself. 


@smichaelclark59 again...why are you replying to yourself with copies of my comments that are in response to your babbles literally half a scroll down?  Do you intend on deleting your previous comments? Do explain...


@smichaelclark59 @IMHO The law in Louisiana (passed by Democrats) used to be that a public official/elected official could accept a bribe, but it was against the law for someone to OFFER a bribe.

Is anyone surprised?  LOL


@IMHO @smichaelclark59 Speaking of justice, I heard on the radio just a while ago a sermon from JWP's pastor from the pulpit praising Price, comparing him to Jesus, and - in a subtle manner - suggesting what's happening to Price is racially motivated.

I'm just wondering whether this preacher was trying to contaminate the jury pool, and trying to stir up racial animus in his congregation against the criminal justice system. 

"John, Justice, and Jesus" was apparently the title to the sermon, and listening to this pastor was like hearing a civil rights rally in full emotional blossom. 

Instead of suggesting to the crowd that they pray for Price and pray that justice be done, it was an almost embarrassing rant about how good Price is - despite the fact that he stands accused of cheating and stealing from his own people. 

No wonder morality is failing in some places in our fair town.


@holmantx "Clearly stated" is the fact that I will not engage you or any of the trolls here on the accusations or the antics of JWP in general. I sincerely have no comment, as I do not claim to know.  That was what your "Jane, Jane, Jane" letter was trying to drag me into, right?  We can make a date to discuss your opinions in two years after the trial begins. Pinky swear it.

The other points-- I had no difficulty explaining and whether it was lost on you and your cohorts is not really my responsibility or problem.  I am not here to educate the trolls that live in the annals/anal(s) of the DO comment sections.  If anything I am remaining here to study it and use the sloppy "fun" as material.

The "literary license" that you speak of is irresponsible, as evidenced by the particular contents of the vomit that appeared on the comment thread 24 hours before my popular critique. Make no mistake in your metaphor, though.  Fuel, I am not, to the flames of bigotry that this article lit.  Fires often flare-up viciously in the extinguishing process.  Postmodernism of the Jameson-identified-variety is a funny thing with its aversion to labels and such...  Apparently, new millennium racists love their degenerate beliefs and live to enact racism but just don't like those pesky words, ya know, racist and his noun cousin racism, to be actually spoken aloud.  As Oprah said, they just have to die.  You do at least like Oprah, right?  I mean everyone likes Oprah.

There is good news for you though:  there is always Google, Amazon, and the public library should you decide to join the rest of the world in progressive thought and begin to understand why little ole plain Jane would decide to make such an intervention to register a critique that is being made by many IRL.  You may not agree with my methods.  C'est la vie.  "Don't take it personal." Or as NFtexas likes to say, "Lighten up."  It really has nothing to do with you or any other gassed up avatar that chose to respond to me seeing how my post addressed the author of this blog and not the participants in the predictable intersectionlism-lubed circle-jerking that runs rampant here apparently.  I am not naive enough to expect THAT to end any time soon, although the sand is steadily doing its thing.  No... not here in "Dallas, Texas."  Its just that I don't expect certain individuals to be supplying the lotion.

But alas, I have reached my limit as the workweek has begun, and I must put this particular project down.  I promise I will log back on when I have a chunk of time to spare.  I know you are a TOP commenter holman.  So, you will comment inevitablly because you won't be able to help yourself.  I understand bro.  I really do.  Soooo...

Do your thing.



TheRuddSki topcommenter


"Jane" would probably appreciate the Crack Emcee, who, as a black man, sees the everyday racism of whitey even in punctuation.

If you're white, you're racist, you just don't know it AND theres nothing you can do about it.

He would have Jim in tears and self-hatred groveling apologies just for getting up white in the morning.


@holmantx @bippyizod Hey!  Where's @noblefurrtexas and his respectability politics to police this "unlady-like" and "under the floor of class communication" language????  What about the other "fucks" that were used on this thread 24 hours before I commented with the horridly dirty word MASTURBATION? You are slipping @noblefurrtexas -- unless your flaccid jabs are racially and sexually selective as well -- then it all makes sense.

Carry on with your sluts and fucks usage @holmantx .


@bippyizod @noblefurrtexas "Typical" works.

I don't think everyone is a mess, however, I seem to be stumbling across more than usual in this thread...if ya know what I mean. 

Yes; there's are a couple of new things someone locked in their room apparently hasn't heard of; implantation as a means of artificial insemination.  No screwing around; just a short procedure with your gynecologist. 

In the case of the mother of Jesus, it was apparently accomplished by the Holy Spirit in something of a miracle, according to the Bible. I wasn't there, so I'm not your best witness. 

But, next time you find yourself in a hotel, have a look at the bedside table and you'll probably find a Gideon Bible in the drawer.  They're written in English, and many of the words you'll understand.

holmantx topcommenter


Johnny is a predator of a subset of Americans afflicted by the condition you describe.

It is the unbearable lightness of being white and knowing it.


@Jane_Elkins @holmantx @bippyizod @noblefurrtexas IIs it just my take on this, or do you always play the victim in every circumstance including ANY form of inequaity?

I'm curious what you're so angry about and,as  near as I can tell, nobody on this site has abused you where it wasn't deserved.

Do you just have a morbid propensity toward self-victimization, or do you just like to play the part of the defiant underdog fighting for who knows what?

Lighten up.  The election is still 2 1/2 months away. 



@noblefurrtexas @bippyizod ....thanks for being honest enough to say....  I wasn't there, so I'm not your best witness. .......

So are you now saying Mary had an appointment with a gynecologist to get artificially inseminated? Was it Dr. Gideon.   Or simple as a turkey baster? 

Bottom line is a Virgin birth makes as much sense as SEVEN Virgin's in heaven for another religion that I know you respect as much as your own.  What is up with this fasination with religion and Virgin's?  Once you work that out my holy one, please explain why god won't heal amputee's?   I can help with this one.


@bippyizod @noblefurrtexas Are you by any chance related to Jane?  You both seem to have the same reading and comprehension problem. 

You seemed shocked that a woman could get pregnant without copulating.  I was pointing out that there's new technology....about 40 years old.....for achieving pregnancy.  They used to be called "test tube babies". 

I didn't at all say - or even suggest - that Mary went to a gynecologist.  First, there weren't any.  Second, it wasn't necessary.  Third, I just threw third in to keep your attention, knowing your very short attention span....among other short things.

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