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Charles Barkley Goes Off on ‘Unintelligent’ Black People


Charles Barkley had some pretty tough words on the radio this week for “unintelligent” African-Americans who seem a bit too eager to attack other black people for not being supposedly black enough.

During an appearance on Afternoons with Anthony Gargano and Rob Ellis, Barkley was asked to react to a report this week that teammates of Seattle Seahawks player Russell Wilson don’t think he’s black enough. This really set off Barkley, who bemoaned that black people will never do well because of all the “crap in your life from other black people.”

He said there’s a disturbing culture in the black community of someone being not black enough or acting too much like white people when they go to school or sound educated:

“There are a lot of black people who are unintelligent, who don’t have success––it’s best to knock a successful black person down ’cause they’re intelligent, they speak well, they do well in school, and they’re successful.”

Listen to the audio below, via 94 WIP Philly Radio:

[h/t BiasBreakdown]
[image via Bruce Yeung/Shutterstock]

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