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Meet Kristin Saunders, the city's new bicycle and pedestrian coordinator

Meet Kristin Saunders, the city’s new Bicycle and Pedestrian coordinator

The City of Pittsburgh’s planning department named Kristin Saunders as its new bicycle and pedestrian coordinator. 
A St. Louis native, Saunders comes to Pittsburgh by way of studying architecture at the University of Kansas, followed by working in San Francisco with Gehl Architects.
“[Pittsburgh has a] continuous urban fabric that I think is really beautiful,” she says of her new town.
Saunders says she was attracted to Pittsburgh because of the work the city is currently doing in public spaces, pedestrian support from Mayor Bill Peduto and how quickly city projects have been completed. Saunders called Pittsburgh’s public spaces high quality and noted the accessible waterfront as something that drew her to the city.
“It’s sort of nice being brand-new to the city and the position,” Saunders says, adding that she's making it her job outside of work to learn Pittsburgh. She says she's been having fun getting lost in her new back yard, taking bike rides and walks.
She says she's interested in working with pedestrian plazas and spaces where cars, bikes and pedestrians have to interact. Saunders will be doing this type of work with the three new separated bike lanes, locations TBD, coming next year. Saunders said one challenge she'll work on is connecting the new protected Penn Avenue bike lane to Point State Park.
Saunders explains that the city’s goals of connecting and extending trail and lanes will help citizens choose non-car transportation.
“I think biking and walking should be an easy choice,” she says.
Source: Bike PGH, Kristin Saunders
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