Healthy for the holidays: 90 day fat shredder program starts November 8


It’s not hard to see that the proverbial holiday season is upon us.

Angela Lemond, MS, RDN, LD and Maria-Paula Carrillo, MS, RDN, LD, of Lemond Nutrition, know that the holidays are a tough time for people to manage their health and fitness goals. “Most people think they gain weight during the holidays,” says Carrillo “ it’s tough for them to stay the course”.

The two wanted to get ahead of the curve this year and offer a program that’s solid in information and unique to the situation. “As registered dietitian nutritionists, we’ve found that so many people work better as a group vs. individually; it’s the support that’s so critical-knowing you’re not the only one struggling with something” says Carrillo. As a response to their clients needs, they created their 90 day fat shredder program  to provide that support and so much more.

This program is a far cry from your average community nutrition and fitness support group. The program, which starts on November 8 and goes through February, includes 3, one hour nutrition classes, an individualized plan that includes nutrition and fitness objectives, 2 hydrostatic body fat tests, weekly food and activity log checks, resting metabolic rate information (RMR) and two, one hour outdoor group workouts.

The numbers

On day 1, participants have their body fat analysis completed.  Hydrostatic testing  produces accurate assessments of lean body mass (muscle, bones, organs and tissues), body fat percentage, resting metabolic rate (actual calories-not estimated-used at rest daily) and targeted weight loss goals.  Body fat analysis is completed on the final day of the program as well so the 3 month progress can be documented. The program is based on these numbers—and NOT the scale. Both Lemond and Carrillo have had hydrostatic testing done themselves.

The diet

Many people fear food, says Carrillo, and as a result, aren’t eating enough calories to support weight loss or weight maintenance. The “diet” part of the program, Carrillo insists, is all inclusive and less restrictive. “You CAN eat real food. We teach you how to get the biggest nutritional bang for your buck and how to plan ahead.” she says. Each participant receives their own custom meal plan.

The exercise

Lemond Nutrition has partnered with Trainer Carrie Monroe of Camp Gladiator to provide realistic training and exercise plans depending on the goal of the individual.  “Some people want to support weight loss, some want to become more physically fit and some want to learn how to train for a race, “ says Carrillo. Regardless of the personal goal, the fitness and nutrition support and coaching will match.

Carillo’s goal for the program?  “For people to realize that this program isn’t a fad-it’s not temporary.  It’s something that can be done year round.-it doesn’t end after three months.”  And maybe an opportunity to make it out of the holidays a little bit-or a lot-healthier.

For more information, contact Lemond Nutrition at 972-422-9180.






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