Montana Environmental Information Center

Clean and healthful. It's your right, our mission.

MEIC Raffle

The 2015 legislative session will be here soon, and the Montana Futures Raffle is the main source of funding for MEIC’s lobbying efforts.!

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David Quammen
Science journalist
Motivating Issue

Conservation of all species, not just humans. The loss of biological diversity is one of the worst impacts we are having on our planet.

Why I Belong To MEIC

MEIC is very good at seeing what’s coming over the horizon. They led on our subdivision and streambed laws, for which I’m very grateful every time I see an unspoiled view.

What I Want To Pass On

If you feel discouraged, that’s okay. It’s good to see the world clearly if that leads to action. Nothing is more important than conservation activism.

Member since Member since 1980
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We Know We Are Winning When… the Fossil Fuel Industry Says So

PowerPoint PresentationBy Anne Hedges

Okay, winning might be a stretch – there is no winning with climate change. But the biggest battle-front today involves convincing people, and thereby politicians, that the threat of climate change is real and solutions are necessary and affordable. The clean energy shift will snowball when we can overcome the hurdles thrown up by climate deniers and morally corrupt fossil fuel tycoons (in fact that snowball effect is already happening despite them…but I digress).

So how is industry saying we’re winning? An industry front group conducted a poll that says so. The group, Partnership for a Better Energy Future, is made up of 175 organizations whose names contain words like “coal,” “chamber,” “lignite,” “petroleum,” and “mining.” Shockingly their Montana poll results show Montanans care about climate change.

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Posted on October 27th, 2014

How the ALEC tech exodus ties to Montana

Missoula IndependentThe American Legislative Exchange Council lost another corporate member last week. Less than a month after Microsoft said it would be terminating its membership with the state-policy-based nonprofit, Google Chairman Eric Schmidt announced his company would also be abandoning ALEC. <READ MORE>

Posted on October 1st, 2014

Say NO to Giving Colstrip Another Year to Control Toxic Air Pollution!

Colstrip Power Plant

PPL earned $1.1 billion in profits in 2013, and can afford to clean up its toxic air pollution. It just doesn’t want to spend the money to clean up its act. PPL just asked the State to give it another year before it has to control its toxic air pollution because it doesn’t want to spend the money. Tell DEQ to say NO to this appalling corporate handout!


Posted on September 30th, 2014

Governor: Montana can cut carbon, keep jobs

MissoulianBILLINGS, Mont. (AP) — Gov. Steve Bullock said Friday that Montana can meet the Obama administration’s goal of reducing climate pollution while protecting energy-related jobs and avoiding the closure of coal plants that generate the bulk of the state’s emissions. <READ MORE>

Posted on September 22nd, 2014