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Two Prairie Butterflies Gain Endangered Species Act Protection in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan and Dakotas

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Four Freshwater U.S. Turtles Proposed for International Trade Protection

35,000 Endangered Species Condoms to Be Handed Out This Halloween

Indian Nations Call for NAFTA Investigation on Harm to Wild Salmon From Industrial Fish Farms in British Columbia

Newsroom — More Press Releases


Watch Our Powerful Polar Bear Ad and Take Action

Scientists say that global warming, left unchecked, could drive two-thirds of polar bears extinct by 2050 and wipe out the rest by the end of this century. Our PSAs, going out to 450 TV stations in all 50 states, link to a petition urging Obama to take action to stem global warming — including using existing laws like the Clean Air Act to make major cuts in greenhouse gas pollution.

Watch the ad and take action now.




CBDThe Center for Biological Diversity works through science, law and creative media to secure a future for all species, great or small, hovering on the brink of extinction. Learn more about the Center for Biological Diversity.


Hear the call of the wild? You're not alone. Our endangered species ringtones have been downloaded about 620,000 times in nearly 180 countries.


2014 Rubber Dodo Award — Vote by Oct. 30
It's time to pick the most flagrant eco-villain of 2014 for the Center's Rubber Dodo Award, started in 2007 to spotlight those powerful people who've worked most fervently to destroy wild creatures and wild places.

There's a monster threatening life on the planet, and it may have already found its way onto your plate. Check out our spooky new "Meatstinction" video and learn how to fight this menace.

Historic Agreement for 757 Species
So far more than 100 species have won protection following our historic 2011 settlement compelling the feds to make progress on safeguarding 757 of the country's most imperiled, least protected species. More species are nearing protection now.

Billions of Gallons of Oil Industry Wastewater Injected
Almost 3 billion gallons of oil industry wastewater have been dumped into California aquifers for drinking water and farming irrigation, according to documents we obtained. Read more.

Reef Fish in Peril
The charismatic orange clownfish and seven colorful damselfish depend on coral reefs for survival — and those reefs are at risk due to global warming. Learn more about these fish and their coral habitat.

Support #OurLands
The Center just kicked off a new social media campaign, #OurLands, to celebrate and advocate for public lands across the nation. Get out to a national park, forest or other public land near you and take a photo to help us show the importance of these national treasures.

Restoring the Gray Wolf
We're fighting to help all U.S. gray wolves get back the protections they need to recover in habitat across the country. Losing safeguards would bring their progress to a grinding halt.

Don't Frack With Our Planet
Fracking’s bad news: Sullied water. Greenhouse gas pollution. Threatened wildlife. Learn more about the Center's fight to halt fracking in California and beyond.

Center Videos

The Center: 25 Years of Saving Wildlife

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