The Week in Quotes (Oct. 12 – 18)

Here are some of the week’s most notable quotes culled from news reports from across Texas, and beyond.

Amy Hagstrom Miller of Whole Woman’s Health, on the U.S. Supreme Court ordering Texas to stop enforcing part of the state’s strict new abortion law until a legal challenge has been settled.

Tonight, Texan women got justice.

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George Mason, senior pastor at Wilshire Baptist Church in Dallas, on caring for Thomas Eric Duncan’s fiancée and her family. Duncan died from Ebola last week.

What we’ve learned in recent weeks is that there’s a flip side to this truth as well: When we’re carefully taught to love rather than hate, when we’re carefully taught to care rather than shun, it shows up in our actions. And in times of crisis — like when Ebola comes to church — what we’ve been taught pops into full view.

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The Rev. Welton Gaddy, discussing the TFN Education Fund review of proposed social studies textbooks for Texas schools on Gaddy’s show, “State of Belief Radio.”

You know, I have to tell you: I’m smiling to keep from crying, I guess, as we talk about this.

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Phyllis Schlafly, implying that President Obama is intentionally letting Ebola into the country in an effort to make the United States more like Africa.

Obama doesn’t want America to believe that we’re exceptional. He wants us to be just like everybody else, and if Africa is suffering from Ebola, we ought to join the group and be suffering from it, too. That’s his attitude.

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The Rev. James Martin, an author and Jesuit priest, on a new Vatican report says the church should welcome and appreciate gays, and offers a solution for divorced and remarried Catholics who want to receive Communion.

This is a stunning change in the way that the Catholic Church speaks about gay people.

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Hobby Lobby’s Steve Green, unaware — and apparently unwilling to find out — if his company’s retirement plan invest in companies that manufacture contraception.

Whether they do or not [invest in these drugs and devices], I couldn’t confirm or deny it. I don’t know if it’s even true. Of course, the other question I would ask is, do those companies also provide a lot of life-saving products that our employees are dependent on? I don’t know that either. But we’ve not made any changes.

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Phyllis Schlafly, insisting that the real goal of marriage equality supporters is “to get rid of marriage all together.”

Same-sex marriage isn’t about granting equality of human rights. Gays are not denied any human rights. Same-sex marriage is about getting rid of the traditional values and institutions that have guided the Western world, including America.

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J. Peter Pham, director of the African Center at the Atlantic Council, on countries like Nigeria, Gambia and Uganda passing laws cracking down on their gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender populations.

It’s almost a bidding war to the bottom of who can throw the toughest sanctions. The vast majority of the population will support it and your opponent running against you will accuse you of being soft if your legislation doesn’t offer the most draconian penalties.

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One Comment

  1. Charles
    Posted October 19, 2014 at 10:15 pm | Permalink

    A little Tennessee backwoods lack of wisdom for you:

    “The things they’uns is a sayin’ and a doin’. Why hits jist awful.”

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