Brittany Maynard: Why The Terminally Ill Newlywed May Not End Her Life

Thu, October 30, 2014 1:00am EDT by 7 Comments

How heartbreaking. With just two days left before terminally ill Brittany Maynard planned to end her life, the 29-year-old newlywed released an emotional video, explaining how she feels now that Nov. 1 is so close. Watch it here.

Brittany Maynard, 29, released a heartbreaking video on Oct. 29, addressing how she feels now that Nov. 1, the date she planned to end her life, is so close. The terminally ill newlywed, who is suffering from brain cancer, “feels herself getting sicker,” but she may give herself more time to spend with family and friends.

Brittany Maynard: Death With Dignity — Terminally Ill Newlywed May Not End Her Life

“So if November 2nd comes along and I’ve passed, I hope my family is still proud of me and the choices I made,” she said in a new six-minute video posted online, which you can watch above. “And if November 2nd comes along and I’m still alive, I know that we’ll just still be moving forward as a family, like, out of love for each other and that that decision will come later.”

“The worst thing that could happen to me is that I wait too long because I am trying to cease each day,” she added.

Brittany seems very realistic about her future, but she’s spending every day with her husband, Dan Maynard, and her parents, making the most of the time she has left.

And should she be having a good health day on Nov. 1, Brittany will postpone her plan to end her life on her own terms.

Brittany Maynard Visits Grand Canyon — Terminally Ill Newlywed Shares Pics

Last spring, Brittany was given six months to live. And in June, she, her husband, and her parents moved to Oregon so she could get access to its Death with Dignity Act.

Brittany has proved to be one heck of a warrior throughout her unfortunate illness. She’s even made time to cross things off her bucket list.

Her most recent adventure was visiting the Grand Canyon with Dan and her parents. Brittany posted about the experience on her website, saying the “canyon was breathtakingly beautiful” and that she was able to enjoy time with the two things she loves the most: family and nature.

She took a ton of cute and memorable photos with her family that they will surely look back on and remember Brittany fondly.

– Julianne Ishler

More Brittany Maynard News:

  1. Brittany Maynard: Terminally Ill Newlywed Visits Grand Canyon 5 Days Before Planned Suicide
  2. Brittany Maynard Defends Her Decision To End Her Life
  3. Brittany Maynard: People Defend Her Decision To Die

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Posted at 12:33 PM on October 30, 2014  

god gave you life to impact everyone around you with the person he made you to be and god has a plan greater then you know for you , by taking away what god gave you , will only mean you did not live the plan that was put in place for you before you were created, the only ones left to hurt is those who love you the most, life is precious even when something goes wrong with your health its still part of a plan that has not followed through god bless her and only god can change the path she takes and with this being said i will pray for her and her family that god takes control of the days ahead and that god shows her that not being here anymore is only a hurt for those around her and that will be sadness for her family and if god takes her home the way the plan is written the family can find peace in knowing she lived each day she was given by her plan of life and that god was waiting for that time to come to welcome her home and he knows the family would of had the amount of time they needed to say there goodbyes and that is the most inportant part of live is having your family by your side for the best of your days and the worst of your days its called love

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Posted at 9:55 AM on October 30, 2014  

Please tell her to watch the 700club, the Lord is still healing people

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lisa nash

Posted at 9:46 AM on October 30, 2014  

Why would she take her life now. She is walking, talking and loving her family. Not now.

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Posted at 8:23 AM on October 30, 2014  

Have you ever seen a terminal cancer patient? With brain tumors? Give me a break…i think this is a hoax!

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Posted at 7:27 AM on October 30, 2014  

I know what your going thru.vut if you read these God’s got a plan for you..And as your finding out its ok to change your mind.nothing is written in stone..May God Bless you and help you with your pain.My prayers are with those who are left behind.

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Posted at 2:47 AM on October 30, 2014  

I think that this woman is amazing, brave, and a beautiful person. I don feel that anyone should judge Her decision, I can’t say for sure what I would do in her position, but I can say that I wouldn’t want to suffer for the rest of my days, i think it takes a strong person to go through this and make a decision that you can control and that is best for you. I definitely agree with Brittany when she says every American should have the right to choose this option if wanted. Brittany if you see this, I know I’m just a stranger and my opinion probably doesn’t matter, but I bel in whatever you decide, it should be left up to you. My prayers are with you and you’re family.

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Taylor Robinson

Posted at 1:52 AM on October 30, 2014  

I’ve never commented on this website although I’m a daily viewer, but this video made me want to.
I’ve been following Brittany’s story since she first came on the news a month or so ago. I’ve never been an emotional person, and I don’t cry, yet this video left me in tears. Brittany has made me think about my life so much these past couple of weeks. I’ve always been depressed, at one point wondering if I even wanted to live anymore. Now I know that I love living, even if I don’t always love my life. She’s so brave, and has the sweetest soul. The fact that she wants her husband to have kids still nearly tore my heart apart. I’m not religious, but I’ll definitely be praying for her. Just like the quote it said on her table, “It’s not the years in your life, it’s the life in your years.”

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