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Maya Norton

Welcome to my homepage on Global Voices Online. I love reading, writing, and hearing people's stories, especially those whose lives are different than my own.

Connect with me on Twitter: or Facebook: My original blog can be seen here: It was the first Jewish philanthropy blog on the internet and a true act of love.

Email Maya Norton

Latest posts by Maya Norton

30 October 2014

With Homes and Infrastructure Destroyed, a Tough Winter Lies Ahead for Gaza

The people of Gaza are doing what they can to prepare for the winter in the wake of war, which left an estimated 100,000 homeless.

5 November 2013

Palestinian Pick-Up Lines

Humor, especially dark humor, is a culturally acquired taste – especially in a war zone. The hashtag #PalestinianPickUpLines has recently been trending on Twitter, garnering tens of additions in the...

20 June 2010

Israel: World Cup Bonanza – Back to the Game

Maya Norton's attempts to find World Cup reactions in Israeli blogs are being foiled by a minor dilemma - it seems that most Israeli World Cup fans are too busy...

Israel: Dubious Thanks to USAID

Israel: Storing Water for Emergencies

Israel: A Woman's Power to Name Herself

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