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A rocket with "classified crypto equipment" explodes seconds after lift off. Erin Burnett has the latest.
October 30th, 2014
12:20 AM ET

Crews search for clues to NASA rocket explosion

Investigators are trying to piece together exactly what caused a more than $200 million rocket carrying supplies to the International Space Station to explode seconds after takeoff.

The imploding rocket caused flaming debris to rain down across NASA's launch pad at the Wallops Field Facility in Virginia.
Fortunately, no one was hurt. But the explosion has raised serious questions about safety when it comes to the commercialization of space exploration.

Athena Jones is OutFront with more on the investigation and what might have gone wrong.

Filed under: NASA • News • Rocket explosion
October 29th, 2014
10:57 PM ET

"Psycho" shower scene carved out of pumpkins

Just in time for Halloween, it's "Psycho" as you've never seen it. That famous shower scene has been turned into a pumpkin lover's dream. Or maybe nightmare. CNN's Jeanne Moos says it'll have you screaming with delight.

Filed under: Jeanne Moos • News
October 29th, 2014
10:51 PM ET

Undercover camera captures lawmakers selling access to lobbyists

Laguna Beach, California (CNN) - On any given weekend, lobbyists in Washington head for the airport to jet off to luxurious locations across the country.

Destinations include Napa Valley in California for wine tasting, Wyoming for fly fishing and any number of spas, golf courses, even exclusive hunting trips.

They are invited to these weekend retreats by members of Congress and their political action committees.

The cost of accepting the invite is a political donation of anywhere from $1,500 to $5,000. And that doesn't include the cost of travel and lodging at some of the most posh resorts in the United States.

Why go? Lobbyists tell CNN there is no better access to a member of Congress and his or her top staff than spending a relaxing weekend with them, away from Capitol Hill.

It used to be that lobbyists would take politicians on trips, but when rules were changed and that was outlawed, politicians and their fund-raisers came up with this variation - organize the trips and invite the lobbyists along to pay for them.


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Filed under: News • Politics
October 29th, 2014
10:42 PM ET

Officials: Terror leaders in Syria survived U.S. airstrikes

(CNN) - The U.S. intelligence community now believes two key terrorist operatives targeted by the United States in the opening night of attacks in Syria are still alive and could be actively plotting, multiple officials tell CNN.

The operatives are key members of Khorasan Group, the al Qaeda affiliate entrenched in Syria that the United States has declared poses a great risk to American national security. One official with direct knowledge of the latest U.S. assessment said the working assumption now is that both Muhsin al-Fadhli, the leader of the group, and David Drugeon, a French jihadist and key member, who is believed to be a skilled bomb-maker, are alive. The United States does not know with certainty if they are injured.

An intelligence analyst with knowledge of the intelligence tells CNN "its 99.5% certain" they are alive.


Filed under: al Qaeda • International • Iraq • News • Syria
October 29th, 2014
10:30 PM ET

Nurse Kaci Hickox vs. the State of Maine: They have no "justification" for quarantine

Kaci Hickox, the nurse forcibly quarantined in New Jersey after returning from treating Ebola patients in West Africa is back in Maine where now she refuses to quarantine herself at home.

Maine officials want Hickox to stay at home until she passes the 21-day mark from the last time she was in contact with Ebola patients.

State of Maine, nurse who went to Africa at odds over Ebola quarantine

Hickox says she has twice tested negative for Ebola and feels it's reasonable for her to self-monitor but there's no need to stay home in quarantine.

"I don't plan on sticking to the guidelines," Hickox said on the "Today Show." "I remain appalled by these home quarantine policies that have been forced on me."

Hickox is going even further by hiring a high-profile attorney who has told officials they have till Thursday to change their position. If they try to force his client to comply, he says they'll take them to court.

Filed under: Ebola • Health • International • News
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