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Report: Gryba, Tropp avoid punishment after getting tossed for hits

Oct 29, 2014, 1:29 PM EDT

The NHL has opted not to suspend Columbus forward Corey Tropp or Ottawa defenseman Eric Gryba for their heavy hits during Tuesday’s game at Nationwide, per the Columbus Dispatch.

Here’s the Tropp hit on Mark Borowiecki, which resulted in a boarding major and game misconduct:

Borowiecki left the game and didn’t return. There’s no update on his status.

The more contentious of the hits, though, was the Gryba shot on Artem Anisimov — one that got Gryba tossed and has reportedly sidelined Anisimov with a concussion:

What’s more, Gryba has a history as a repeat offender stemming from a headshot during the 2013 Stanley Cup playoffs on Montreal forward Lars Eller. Gryba received a two-game suspension for the hit.

  1. uhokjoe - Oct 29, 2014 at 2:31 PM

    It looked like Borowiecki turned at the last second intending to draw the penalty. It appeard that he didnt anticiapte how fast/hard Tropp was coming at him. Unfortunate on that one.

    The Gryba shot was a more blatant attempt to hurt a player. It was a clear sholuder to the head. Grybna left his feet for christ sake!

    • sens101 - Oct 29, 2014 at 3:59 PM

      Tropp hit wasnt that bad, both players on that play need to be more responsible.

      The Gryba hit was pretty clean IMO. He maybe could have let up a little bit, but I saw nothing wrong with the play other than the fact that the ref made a reaction call. Same thing with the hit on Lars Eller, reactionary call and suspension becuase of the way it looked. PLayer 61 shouldnt have sent a suicide pass up the middle to Eller on that play!

  2. sgs32 - Oct 29, 2014 at 2:47 PM

    No wonder they were talking about how relatively suspension free start of the season it was, nhl been inactive in handing them out, these two at least deserve a fine

    • avscup - Oct 29, 2014 at 4:24 PM

      Why? Borough caused his own trauma by turning his back on an on coming player. His problem.

      Gryba hit was textbook.

  3. avscup - Oct 29, 2014 at 2:51 PM

    If those hits get punished, you may as well take hitting out of the game. Boro turned to avoid the hit. His problem.

    Gryba was perhpaps 1-2 inches from getting him in the center of the chest. At game speed its ridiculous to think all hits are going to be perfect.

  4. runhigh24 - Oct 29, 2014 at 3:13 PM

    You see this all the time, a player sells out to make a huge hit and ends up getting the gate because the end result looks bad. While they may avoid suspension, a 5 minute major is no slap on the wrist for a hockey team. Easing up slightly on the hit may avoid this and as an added bonus maybe you’re in position to actually play the puck as neither of these guys weren’t after their respective hits.

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