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An Investigation Of The Global Anti-Fracking Movement

Against fracking 01

(Photo credit: Bosc d'Anjou)

What does it want? How does it operate? And what’s next? 

This is a guest column by Jonathan Wood, senior global issues analyst at ControlRisks. What follows is a summary of his lengthy investigation of the anti-fracking movement, available here

Unconventional natural gas is often described as game-changing and transformative, a revolution heralding a golden age of cheap, plentiful energy for a resource-constrained world.

But only if it makes it out of the ground.

As shown by local bans in the US and Canada, national moratoriums in France and Bulgaria, and tighter regulation in Australia and the UK, the global anti-fracking movement has mounted an effective campaign against the extraction of unconventional gas through hydraulic fracturing.

Meanwhile, the oil and gas industry has largely failed to appreciate social and political risks, and has repeatedly been caught off guard by the sophistication, speed and influence of anti-fracking activists.

What the anti-fracking movement wants

The anti-fracking movement wants four main things: First, it wants to extract a better deal in terms of economic opportunity, taxation, and compensation. Moves by some local governments to extract ‘impact fees’ fall into this camp.

Second, anti-fracking activists want further study of the environmental, economic and health and safety impacts of intensive unconventional gas development, partly to inform regulatory and tax policies but also as a stalling tactic to impede the industry’s expansion.

Third, some strongly opposed to the industry – whether on water quality or climate protection grounds – want moratoriums and outright bans on drilling activity.

Finally, and most commonly, the anti-fracking movement wants tighter regulation of unconventional gas development. From Pennsylvania to Poland, oil and gas regulation is being updated to address issues raised by hydraulic fracturing and increase environmental controls.

How the anti-fracking movement operates

The movement’s grassroots foundation is reflected in the hundreds of community-based anti-fracking groups that have emerged worldwide. Environmental groups have played a key role in subsequently organising and professionalising grassroots activists, especially in North America and Western Europe.

The anti-fracking movement is particularly adept at organising online through social media. The extensive use of free or low-cost online platforms such as WordPress and Facebook has both facilitated grassroots participation and increased organisational efficiency.

Online communications also enable a further pillar of the anti-fracking movement: global networking. This occurs through peer-to-peer activist networks, international environmental NGO campaigns, and shared ideological and political frameworks.

Some activists and groups also believe direct action against the industry is necessary. Direct action is intended to draw media attention to the anti-fracking movement, motivate the anti-fracking opposition, and physically disrupt operations. Project site blockades, in particular, have emerged as a favoured low-cost, high-impact tactic.

What’s next for the anti-fracking movement

2012 is likely to set the high-water mark for the anti-fracking movement. Regulatory reviews concluded in key battlegrounds, technological innovations are reducing environmental impacts, and the anti-fracking movement itself is grappling with the consequences of its successes. How will the movement

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  • Lisa Wright Lisa Wright 1 year ago

    The “global anti-fracking movement” is not a monolithic entity. This report, to me, appears to competently articulate salient issues at hand, but I would like to add that the gas industry has often acted as it’s own worst enemy.

    I find it hard to believe that most people within the gas industry would agree that the attack-dog tactics of their groups like Energy in Depth can in any way foster good will in affected and potentially affected communities. Industry operators — in simply branding themselves “Good Neighbors” while conveniently ignoring the shameful activities of their own attack-bloggers–ought not be surprised that their public relations efforts do not cut it in the real world.

    I am not an “anti-fracker.” I am a reasonable human being who has witnessed this industry trying to create its own reality, and which, for years, has dismissed real problems as hyperbole, and has publicly demonized good, solid citizens. So do I think fracking can– in a perfect world– be done safely someday? Not sure.

    But right NOW, I do not trust an industry that has allowed industry-financed attack bloggers to go after citizens who have reasonable concerns. The gas industry is acting like a fast talking, prosperous but untrustworthy scoundrel who wants to marry your only daughter.

    Hopefully Woods’ analysis will foster a more intelligent energy conversation, taking a long, sober look at America’s role as energy leader in a warming, changing world.

  • fredlinn fredlinn 1 year ago

    The most oft repeated phrase I hear from fracking proponents is that drilling for fossil natural gas “creates jobs”. Any suggestion that drilling and fracking also causes problems are often met with accusations of being a socialist, commie, hippie, radical environmentalist………………or similar accusations.

    Well, we can make exactly the same stuff, from any kind of biological waste at all, including sewage. With no environmental damage—-in fact, the leftover products are compost(fertilizer) and clean water. And we can continue to do so for as long as we want to or need to. No boom or bust—-the jobs are there to stay, no dry wells.

    Anaerobic digestion to produce methane is completely beneficial to the environment, beneficial to people, beneficial to the economy. We really have no need to drill holes in the ground.

    Germany is moving rapidly to develop CH4 production by anaerobic digestion at industrial grade quantities—-and is showing great success in doing so, in amazingly short lead times.

    We would do very well to look at and follow the lead of Germany in this area of energy production. After all, we need to treat sewage anyway.

  • Ron Fort Ron Fort 1 year ago

    The industry is getting more proactive and responsive to insuring that fracking is done right. George Mitchell, the godfather of fracking’s exponential expansion, is the first to point out the urgency of industry self-regulating itself and promoting best practices and demanding stringent penalties for bad behavior & practices. One would be naïve to dismiss the anti-frackers as unimportant. Hopefully the industry will be smart (they seem to be doing things right). The U.S. has an amazing opportunity. Let’s make sure the dialogue supports good answers and not vitriolic push back.

  • Lisa Wright Lisa Wright 1 year ago

    Hello, Mr. Fort,

    I’m reposting since I think my comment must not have gone through initially.

    I would like to offer my opinion to you, in the spirit it may be helpful to good people within the oil and gas industry who may not be aware of why so many ordinary people are reacting strongly against the industry at this time.

    First, I wanted to say thank you for your civil tone, and to make a suggestion to you and to those who wish to have a substantive dialogue on energy topics with affected communities. In my personal opinion, in regards to shale-gas, the industry’s PR machine, Energy in Depth, has so throughly blackened the waters of communication that the civil discourse you hope for may be impossible. If the oil and gas industry is truly serious about having an intelligent and respectful energy conversation with the public, it must call off their paid attack dogs who do nothing to further the conversation.

    I feel it is the responsibility of leaders — of Chevron, Shell, BP and others who reportedly have funded this PR machine — to stop this madness. The leaders of these companies, in my opinion, are directly accountable for the actions of their PR machine. If as reported, the attack bloggers are working for them, then they are ultimately accountable for EID’s actions.

    The vitrioloc nature of EID’s churlish and spiteful blogs must be removed from the conversation before even more damage is done to the civil public discourse. This isn’t “only” about fracking, this is about basic human civility, and moving this country from here to where we need to be with integrity, humility and fairness.

    This is my humble opinion, sir, for what it is worth.


  • deanmars deanmars 1 year ago

    Moxie Energy is planning to build a massive power plant in Lycoming County that will run on fracked natural gas, but the plant needs approval from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection to move forward.1

    Fracking is poisoning Pennsylvania’s land, water, and air. Faced with a public health crisis fueled by fracking, the last thing the DEP should be doing is green-lighting an $800 million natural gas infrastructure project like the Lycoming County power plant.

    Tomorrow, the DEP will hold a hearing to solicit public testimony on the project. We need to make sure the DEP gets the message loud and clear that people in Lycoming County don’t want this dirty plant that will promote dirty fracking. Can you be there to speak out?

    What: Hearing on the Lycoming County fracked gas power plant
    When: Tomorrow, Thursday, January 3, 6:30 p.m.
    Where: Clinton Township Volunteer Fire Co., 2311 Route 54 Highway, Montgomery, PA 17752

    This meeting will be attended by persons representing Clean Air Council and several local Environmental Groups that have been placed on a Long list for Public Comment. I havwe notified WNEP and WBRE News Depts. and hope that the Media is represented, and can report on this evolving story. D.H.M.

  • fredlinn fredlinn 1 year ago

    The technology exists to frack natural gas wells without the use of toxic chemicals or the danger of contaminating surface water.

    The hydraulic energy transfer medium is propane—-a liquid under pressure, and a gas when pressure is released at normally encountered temperatures and pressures. Propane is a natural component of fossil natural gas—that is where we get it from, and completely returns with the well outflow where it can be fully recovered and reused. Propane is not soluble in water, and no water is used in propane fracking, a very important consideration with wells being drilled in arid areas.

    There is no need for the wasteful and potentially dangerous use of hydro-fracking when propane-fracking avoids the problems, is available and in use on commercial scale right now.


  • bobforsberg bobforsberg 1 year ago

    Al Jazeera just did a “documentary” on how bad fracking is for America. Just the type of slanted publicity they need to insure we keep buying Middle East oil, keeping their radical muslim terrorist movement well funded.

    Even worse, Al Gore recently sold his network to Al Jazeera. As always, follow the money for the real story.

  • fredlinn fredlinn 1 year ago

    from Washington Post article about the Currents sale—–” In April, Gore’s fund was part of $110 million in venture capital invested in Harvest Power, a closely held company that produces renewable energy from waste such as food scraps.”————–

    Composting to produce methane, CH4.

    See comment #2 above.

    Germany is pursueing biomethane production from agricultural and industrial biomass waste at flank speed. They are ontrack to be producing 20% of their natural gas usage by domestic

  • fredlinn fredlinn 1 year ago

    (cont.) production using anaerobic digestion by 2015. The use of methane is being rapidly expanded in the transportation industry and is consider essential to the move to close all nuclear plants by 2020.


  • Rob Thrasher Rob Thrasher 1 year ago

    Safe, tightly regulated fracking is exactly what New York and the USA need at this exact moment in history! Help me fund the Frack New York documentary! http://www.FrackNewYork.com Rob :)

  • Summer Summer 1 year ago

    Plagiarism much?

  • Christopher Helman Christopher Helman, Forbes Staff 1 year ago

    @summer what are you referring to?