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Teleconference: Fracking And Community Control

On June 20, 2014, in advance of a decision from New York’s high court over a pair of zoning-based oil and gas development bans, experts from New York, Colorado, California, Pennsylvania and Texas hosted a teleconference on the growing trend of community control over fracking.


Deborah Goldberg, Managing Attorney, Earthjustice Northeast Office (New York, NY)

Jordan Yeager, Partner, Curtin & Heefner (Doylestown, PA)

Rachel Hooper, Managing Partner, Shute, Mihaly & Weinberger (San Francisco, CA)

Michael Freeman, Staff Attorney, Earthjustice Rocky Mountain Office (Denver, CO)

Adam Briggle, Associate Professor, University of North Texas, Vice President of the Denton Drilling Awareness Group (Denton, TX)

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