Data Summary

2,342,916 Citations
780,861 Relationships
121,345 Persons
45,949 Business Persons
38,726 Organizations
14,725 Businesses
11,583 Lobbyists
7,681 Political Candidates
7,198 Political Fundraising Committees
4,421 Lawyers
3,866 Public Officials
3,281 Elected Representatives
2,888 Private Companies
2,292 Schools
2,252 Academics
2,154 Government Bodies
2,013 Other Not-for-Profits
1,943 Individual Campaign Committees
1,902 Public Companies
1,618 Other Campaign Committees
1,395 Philanthropies
1,365 Lobbying Firms
1,364 Media Personalities
668 Membership Organizations
328 Industry/Trade Associations
317 Law Firms
211 Policy/Think Tanks
181 Political Parties
109 PACs
104 Public Intellectuals
100 Cultural/Artses
78 Consulting Firms
65 Media Organizations
49 Public Relations Firms
47 Professional Associations
39 Social Clubs
37 Labor Unions
21 Government-Sponsored Enterprises

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