dots connected:
LittleSis* is a free database of who-knows-who at the heights of business and government.
* opposite of Big Brother
We're a grassroots watchdog network connecting the dots between the world's most powerful people and organizations.

A unique resource for investigating cronyism, conflicts of interest, and systemic corruption.

An involuntary facebook of the 1%

We bring transparency to influential social networks by tracking the key relationships of politicians, business leaders, lobbyists, financiers, and their affiliated institutions. We help answer questions such as:
  • Who do the wealthiest Americans donate their money to?
  • Where did White House officials work before they were appointed?
  • Which lobbyists are married to politicians? Who do they lobby for?
All of this information is public, but scattered. We bring it together in one place. Our data derives from government filings, news articles, and other reputable sources. Some data sets are updated automatically; the rest is filled in by our user community. More Features

Names behind the news

Who are the movers and shakers behind the bailouts, government contracts, and austerity policies? We’re working around the clock to stock LittleSis with information about bigwigs who make the news, and their connections to those who don’t. For updates and analysis visit our blog, Eyes on the Ties

Made for watchdogs

We're bringing together a community of watchdogs who believe in transparency and accountability where it matters most. We're looking for journalists, researchers, programmers, artists and organizers to lend a hand. Get Involved

Think-and-do tank

LittleSis is a project of Public Accountability Initiative, a 501(c)3 organization focused on corporate and government accountability. We receive financial support from foundations and benefit from free software written by the open source community.
Data Summary

2,342,851 Citations
780,828 Relationships
121,338 Persons
45,946 Business Persons
38,722 Organizations
14,724 Businesses
11,583 Lobbyists
7,681 Political Candidates
7,198 Political Fundraising Committees
4,421 Lawyers
3,864 Public Officials
3,281 Elected Representatives
2,888 Private Companies
2,289 Schools
2,250 Academics
2,153 Government Bodies
2,013 Other Not-for-Profits
1,943 Individual Campaign Committees
1,902 Public Companies
1,618 Other Campaign Committees
1,395 Philanthropies
1,365 Lobbying Firms
1,363 Media Personalities
668 Membership Organizations
328 Industry/Trade Associations
317 Law Firms
211 Policy/Think Tanks
181 Political Parties
109 PACs
104 Public Intellectuals