Hannah Lavon of Hooray Hoopla LLC: Playful Socks, Mittens and More

This story is part of our 1,000 stories campaign. What’s your story?

Name: Hannah Lavon

Business: Hooray Hoopla LLC, an e-commerce store selling socks, mitten and baby booties 

Industry: Children’s Goods & ServicesClothing & Accessories  

Location: New York, New York, U.S.

Reason for starting: I always wanted to be my own boss after college, by selling things that I designed. I have a background as a graphic designer and experience in the arts, so fun concepts come naturally to me. My mom owns a large online gift store, so I used to accompany her to the trade shows and see all these cool people making things and selling them. I decided I could do it too, why not me! So my friend from college and I started out making paper products to get out feet wet. We made a little money and invested in our first product, Vs. Mittens.

How do you define success? By supporting and answering to yourself, creating something of worth, and getting recognition. 

Related: Read about another female entrepreneur selling clothing and accessories from her e-commerce store here

Biggest Success: Having Anne Hathaway wear our mittens everywhere for 3 years, that was just amazing and unexpected!!    

What is your top challenge and how have you addressed it? Our top challenge is capital. We never had seed money starting out, so it has prevented us from traveling to trade shows and expanding the line to other sizes and styles. We can only sell as much as we can make. We have gotten a small business loan which helps a little, and also we are possibly bringing on a business development partner!

Related: Fiscally Responsible Female Entrepreneurs

Who is your most important role model? Wow, this is a hard one! I respect so many cool creative business people who came from 0 retail/manufacturing connections and capital and made it work. Paul Frank and Todd Goldman (of David & Goliath) are big ones. 

Website   www.vsstuff.com
Twitter   @hoorayhoopla
Facebook   www.facebook.com/hooplavsstuff

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Read about another e-commerce entrepreneur here

Edited by The Story Exchange

The Story ExchangeHannah Lavon of Hooray Hoopla LLC: Playful Socks, Mittens and More