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Dwight Howard says he wants to move on from Kobe, Lakers. Actions show feud going strong.

Oct 29, 2014, 10:14 AM EDT

LOS ANGELES — For a little more than three quarters, the Dwight Howard vs. Kobe Bryant storyline was shoved aside in their opening night showdown to make room for the “damn, James Harden is insanely good” storyline. Or maybe the “we knew the Lakers were bad but not THIS bad” storyline.

Then this happened.

“They just don’t like each other, simple as that,” said Lakers coach Byron Scott post-game, putting a voice to what we all saw. Howard and Kobe wouldn’t even shake hands pre-game and the animosity (and Kobe’s frustration with losing) eventually bubbled over.

Both men tried to sell the “it’s just basketball” line after the game, but you tell the way they went at each other — the way Kobe calls Howard “soft” and all the finger pointing — that there is more than just smoke to the feud talk. Neither has moved on. (Remember when people tried to sell us Howard not returning to the Lakers had nothing to do with Kobe? That was a funny. Louis CK funny.)

When asked about the incident Howard went to the “I’m just happy we won the game” card over and over. He did his best to avoid the topic, but the questions about Kobe and Howard’s exit from Los Angeles — which brought lusty boos from the Lakers faithful at Staples Center opening night — just kept on coming.

“What do you all want me to say, because I’m not fitting to give you nothing. It’s stupid. We won the game. It’s over with,” Howard eventually said. “I mean, there’s no need to go into it. We won the game. It’s about basketball. I mean it’s over with. It’s nothing. I’m not even focused on it.

“I mean people are always going to talk (about him leaving the Lakers). I had a good time in L.A. It didn’t end how everybody wanted it to. Life happens. Things happen, and I’ve moved forward from it….. I think it’s over with. I made a decision for myself.”

Kobe seemed to have a sarcastic tone in his voice when asked about Howard and the incident.

“You can’t help but like him, He’s a teddy bear. He’s a really nice kid, and I really mean that,” Kobe said. “When you compete and you have a goal in mind, I know one way to get there. He elbowed me in the face and I’m going to let him know that I don’t like that. It’s that simple.”

That was as much as anyone would say, especially on a night when the terrible Julius Randle injury cast a somber mood over both locker rooms.

Still one other thing was clear Tuesday night besides the fact the Kobe/Howard rivalry is alive:

Howard clearly made the best basketball choice for himself moving on to Houston.

A lot of us said that at the time, but it was crystal clear Tuesday. Howard and Harden make a far more formidable force than Howard could have with the aging and inefficient Kobe we saw Tuesday in Los Angeles. Make no mistake, Kobe was as good as anyone should have expected, but right now Harden is simply better. It doesn’t hurt that Howard’s back is clearly the healthiest it has been in a couple years.

Plus, with Kobe’s still largest in the NBA contract, it would have been hard for the Lakers to build much around the pair. The Rockets are struggling with that, too, but still right now they have role players like Terrence Jones and Trevor Ariza that are better fits in their system than anyone the Lakers role out. Plus the Rockets as a team buy into an up-tempo offensive system that works for them. The Lakers have another coach and are on another quest to find their identity.

None of that changes the bottom line — it’s not just smoke, there’s real fire in the Kobe Bryant/Dwight Howard feud. Their words may play it down, but their actions tell the real story.

  1. mahhelo - Oct 29, 2014 at 10:28 AM

    I’m still not buying the fact Howard made best basketball choice. This Laker team with Howard and Gasol (who most likely would have stayed if Howard did as well) would be better than this current Houston team.

    • therealhtj - Oct 29, 2014 at 11:11 AM

      Because they were such a good fit together when they, you know, actually played together fighting for the same spots? Barely making the playoffs?

      Dwight made the best choice. He left Kobe’s monstrous contract and ego behind – neither of which are warranted at this point – to join another top 10 player in his prime. Another often overlooked point is that Dwight’s contract has an opt out right as the new TV money comes in. Not that he’s worth this super max money he’s getting now, but if Houston doesn’t pay him, someone else will. He’ll have plenty of reasons to keep flashing that goofy a$$ grin.

      • musician0785 - Oct 29, 2014 at 12:31 PM

        Good fit together? how would you know? The only year they played together d12 was coming off major back surgery, nash, artest and gasol ALL missed at least 3 months a piece with injuries and Kobe was hurt for the playoffs…..I love how some ppl can just ignore facts

      • ranfan12 - Oct 29, 2014 at 3:43 PM

        I think there’s just something about when someone brings it up, people feel the need to call those excuses.

      • therealhtj - Oct 29, 2014 at 2:40 PM

        They’re both basically centers. They played together for enough games to see them fighting for the same position down low and do it poorly.

        Kobe was healthy the whole year. Healthy enough to show Dwight that he didn’t want to stick around for that tired act.

      • amitko - Oct 29, 2014 at 4:48 PM

        Yeah..’cuz Dwight came right out and said that get rid of Kobe and I’m all yours..right ? The doofus was non-committal and the Lakers weren’t gonna let go of their only major draw to *maybe* have a shot at keeping Dwight….

    • ranfan12 - Oct 29, 2014 at 3:41 PM

      I think he made the best choice. No Phil, no Dwight lol.

  2. spthegr8 - Oct 29, 2014 at 10:38 AM

    They keep talking about the Kobe Dwight beef but, keep posting the video of Randles injury. LMAO!! Gta love PBT!!

    • profantasyplyr - Oct 29, 2014 at 11:06 AM

      Maybe the 3rd story will be the charm?

    • jeffkx - Oct 29, 2014 at 11:12 AM

      This site is a disaster..and with a bozo like Kurt Helin running it it’s no surprise why. Is there another site like PBT that doesn’t have the mistakes/horrid grammar PBT? The only reason I still read is there is nothing (that I am aware of) that’s better.

    • soleobjective - Oct 29, 2014 at 12:06 PM

      I think they’re just trolling us now lol

  3. asimonetti88 - Oct 29, 2014 at 10:44 AM

    “You can’t help but like him, He’s a teddy bear”


    • Hard On For Harden - Oct 29, 2014 at 11:22 AM

      Denial… Not just a river in Egypt. It’ll get better Anthony.

    • blogsk3tball - Oct 29, 2014 at 6:38 PM

      “He’s a reallynice KID”

      Kobe learnt it from the Zen

  4. lazykiz - Oct 29, 2014 at 11:07 AM

    They should make the Laker’s season a soap opera.

    • arrondior - Oct 29, 2014 at 3:59 PM

      They can call it “Keeping up with the 76ers”

  5. therealhtj - Oct 29, 2014 at 11:07 AM

    It’s gonna be a loooooooooong season in Lakerland.

  6. avb300 - Oct 29, 2014 at 11:17 AM

    I saw the game and if you didn’t see it, that was a perfect game recap. The Randle injury overshadowed the Kobe Dwight feud.

    Why don’t they just say they don’t like each other and stop acting like it’s not a big deal? At least Dwight completely ignored it instead of giving some cryptic teddy bear response which everyone knows isn’t true.

    When the Lakers were down 25 and Dwight got the rebound, there was no reason for Kobe to go crazy like a maniac swiping at the ball. Then the ref doesn’t call a foul on Kobe so Dwight throws elbows and things escalate.

    Kobe needs to grow up.

    • lazykiz - Oct 29, 2014 at 11:23 AM

      I’m glad someone else points out that Kobe is sort of being childish. He obviously wasn’t going for the ball and wanted to agitate Dwight, and to call Dwight “a teddy bear” after the game ( that they lost in) when Dwight didn’t say anything just makes him look like a sore loser in my books.

  7. toycannoni - Oct 29, 2014 at 12:02 PM

    lol….karma is a bit*h

    kobe running off shaq and superman and phil jackson not wanting to coach kobe tells you all you need to

    now kobe is left all by himself jacking up 19 points on 17 shots and getting blown out …such a heart warming story of stupidity that really didn’t have to end this way

    his mama don’t even want to be near him, but then laker fan will tell you he just wants to

    let’s face it….a man child making 25 mill a year and then suing his mama for selling memorabilia to stay afloat, tells you about the fool

    he wants respect yet he can’t even take care of his own mother….he’s going down in flames and laker fan has a front row seat

    get ya popcorn ready

    • musician0785 - Oct 29, 2014 at 12:34 PM

      Kobe ran off shaq? because according to Shaq he was traded because Jerry buss wasnt about to pay a 31 year old 300lb center 100 million dollars…..but once again dont let facts get in the way of your Kobe hate

      • therealhtj - Oct 29, 2014 at 3:17 PM

        Kobe admitted it was Shaq or him. Do you Kobe homers still want to hold on to the fantasy Kobe didn’t break up a dynasty?

      • musician0785 - Oct 29, 2014 at 6:53 PM

        “He gave me everything I wanted. I wanted one extension – he gave it to me. I wanted a second extension, he gave it to me. I wanted a third extension – he traded me.”

        -Shaquille O’Neal, speaking at a memorial service for Lakers owner Jerry Buss, who passed this week.

        Now show me where Kobe admitted anything…….making stuff up doesn’t make it true

      • amitko - Oct 29, 2014 at 4:45 PM

        No, it isn’t inaccurate to say that Kobe, by himself, didn’t break up the dynasty..did you miss Shaq’s quotes about not wanting to accept less money to hang around ? Nobody sane would deny that Kobe had a major part to play in the breakup..but you are the one who wants to blame the whole thing on Kobe even though that isn’t true…Shaq wanted money that he simply wasn’t gonna get…other issues could possibly have been dealt with if that hadn’t been the case…

    • musician0785 - Oct 29, 2014 at 12:35 PM

      Oh and he bought his mom several houses in Newport beach (a VERY affluent area of orange county) you know you can use this thing called google to check your “facts” before you post

    • musician0785 - Oct 29, 2014 at 12:43 PM

      Phil Jackson WANTED to coach the lakers but they hired Dantoni….there’s so many inaccuracies in your post its ridiculous

  8. meets1989 - Oct 29, 2014 at 12:21 PM

    the only reason Laker fans really hate Howard is because he is smug about everything. He will never be the dominant force that Shaq or Wilt or Olajuwon and Ewing were. He’s a really good player and put in the right system, he could be great, but the head on his shoulders is his biggest handicap.

  9. daddyghi - Oct 29, 2014 at 12:26 PM

    Kobe is still bitter that dwight left, PERIOD.

    • csbanter - Oct 29, 2014 at 12:33 PM

      Kobe is bitter but can you blame him, he’s played at such a high level and to go out like this stinks. Kobe anger is misdirected but he can’t tell LA mgnt. to go f itself he is the highest paid player in the nba.

      • daddyghi - Oct 30, 2014 at 12:31 AM

        can’t blame him? highest paid player? okay, how exactly do you plan to explain that to the Lakers fans? They gave their hard earned money to the lakers to watch and see their team go deep in the playoffs or somewhat win games for them. And now, their team is in a deep hole coz Ko-Me, is a huge egomaniac, that no other good player would like to play for the lakers anymore. I bet melo, dwight, or even lebron would have signed for the lakers if only Kobe just stayed humble and easy to get along with. Heck, i dont even see why dwight would not sign up again with the Lakers, he loves the city! He even have a home in LA! so im not so sure about what you said on not to blame Ko-Me.

  10. ebrownwareagle - Oct 29, 2014 at 12:45 PM

    KOBE HAS More Rings Than Shaq and Superman Combine. Loss more Championship than D12 has been too. And Yall continue to speak Kobe’s name in the same sentence as a career loser. As a Matter of Fact. Exclude The Spurs and take every major SuperStar in the league and he had more Rings than ALL of THEM. You would have to combine LeBron/Wade/Bosh to out number 1MANS Championship Level. Ironically People speak about how great the Kd’s, Hardens, D12’s and Chris Paul’s of the world are. YET have NOTHING to show for it! Joining the Likings of the Barkley’s,Malone’s,Reggie Millers of the world. Great Players,. JUST NOT CHAMPIONS! It makes a Difference! People won’t miss/Appreciate Kobe’s Game/Career UNTIL HE’a gone!

    • law1orde - Oct 29, 2014 at 2:08 PM

      Oh, Kobe, please go soon, so we can start appreciating your Game/Career right away. For now we will only be able to appreciate his consistent disrespect for any player or management/coach on the Lakers who did not lick his boots. He brought this on himself. He has a right to be happy and proud of his accomplishments but his treatment of others does not pass the Golden Rule sniff test.

    • cruzan80 - Oct 29, 2014 at 5:15 PM

      3 of his 5 rings belong to Shaq but nice try though….

      • musician0785 - Oct 29, 2014 at 7:07 PM

        might wanna check those playoff stats…first year Shaq outscored kobe by 9 a game……the next 2 shaq outscored Kobe by a combined 2 points….but nice try though

      • progress2011 - Oct 29, 2014 at 7:25 PM

        Shaq won ALL 3 Finals MVP awards, during the run where kobe was his secretary/ assistant. But ….nice try!

    • ddarqwon - Oct 29, 2014 at 11:47 PM

      “KOBE HAS More Rings Than Shaq and Superman Combine. Loss more Championship than D12 has been too [sic].” – ebrownwareagle

      Robert Horry has more rings than Kobe and has NEVER lost in the Finals.
      So by your logic Big Shot Bob is greater than Kobe right?

  11. erking1991 - Oct 29, 2014 at 1:05 PM

    Kobe isn’t a good fit with anyone.

  12. wolfpacka42 - Oct 29, 2014 at 1:11 PM

    Hey KOME. Remember this quote that you said from when you played with your teddy bear kid buddy Dwight. Hey Dwight we don’t have time for your shoulder to heal. Two months later the world said Hey KOME We don’t have time for your achilles tendon to heal. With that you pushed Dwight Howard to Houston because you still don’t know how to act like an adult. No other star wants to play with KOME anymore. As for the Houston Rockets some of their roster changes this year from last year might be part of their demise. They tried to get the right free agents but they went elsewhere. However any decent team will trash the Lakers this year.

  13. clickablecontent - Oct 29, 2014 at 1:30 PM

    Thing is here, no one is wrong. Howard made a *better* choice in going to Houston – if you don’t get along with your co-workers, why not go somewhere you will? But Kobe was right… he IS soft. That’s the line on him throughout his career. He’s tired of peoples’ expectations of him and those expectations were highest in LA,beneath the shadow of Shaq, Kareem, and Chamberlain. He wanted to go somewhere we he could just be loveable Dwight. While that’s admirable in a way (he’s man enough to be true to who he is), he also has not lived up to his potential as a NBA elite. And let’s be frank, that attitude doesn’t fly in a town like LA full of ambitious transplants. And not for the Lakers – with our without Kobe.

  14. rjthakid - Oct 29, 2014 at 2:31 PM

    Kobe made his bed, now he has to lie in it.

    He’s been a jerk for his entire career. Now his game has deteriorated to the point where his skills can’t make up for his personality and no star will play with him.

    Basically every player on the Lakers can’t get a job anywhere else so they’re forced to play with Kobe. Nick Young is the only exception, and I’m thinking the Lakers promised to feature him once Kobe retires.

    • musician0785 - Oct 29, 2014 at 7:10 PM

      so you think the lakers promised to feature nick young……….i guess the illuminati is in on this too, because thats’ how crazy your “theory” sounds

  15. ranfan12 - Oct 29, 2014 at 2:57 PM

    Time to wait for the D12 Album

  16. ranfan12 - Oct 29, 2014 at 3:56 PM

    It’s as if players can’t talk crap during games anymore :(

  17. campcouch - Oct 29, 2014 at 6:20 PM

    A feud involves some back and forth. This is fairly one-sided. Kobe saying “Try me.” with three guys in front of him and calling Howard “soft” from the other end of the court was pretty funny. Howard’s a pretty big dude and I’m sure he would’ve Whack-A-Mole’d Bryant. Sad day that Kobe would resort to something like that, trying to regain some sort of respect with an altercation. It’s also sad that he believes everybody needs his stamp of approval, guidance and a torch passed from him. Just play your contract out and replace Byron Scott in 2 years.

  18. progress2011 - Oct 29, 2014 at 7:33 PM

    Ariza (who is not quick afoot) jab-stepped kobe outta his shoes a few times.

    There are other highlights where Curry and others shook kobe outta his shoes during pre-season.

    kobe has reached a point in his career where guys like D.Rose, Westbrook, Lillard and others are licking their chops, praying he dares to check them in a game.

    Get in my poster…..ahahahahaha

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