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Mayor's Message

Make your voice heard in Nov. 4 election

Posted Oct. 27, 2014

As many of you know, my motto since taking office has been “It’s Your Fort Worth.”

Your opinions, your concerns, your words – these are the things that should determine the issues we address and ultimately the policy we implement.

With that said, it is important to let your voice be heard. On Election Day Fort Worth voters will have that opportunity. On Nov. 4, I encourage you to head to your nearest polling station and exercise your right to vote! You can also vote early through Oct. 31.

This year, Fort Worth voters will have a chance to consider three propositions (Propositions 1, 2 and 3) regarding the proposed Multipurpose Arena at the Will Rogers Memorial Center. With voter approval, the new Arena would be built just south of the livestock barns between Montgomery Street and Trail Drive. This proposed arena would host a variety of events including concerts, graduations, sporting events, rodeos, equestrian shows, and more.

Fort Worth has been fortunate to have some very generous benefactors to help build our city—and this arena project is no exception. A group of private-sector donors has committed to gift half of the $450 million projected cost of the arena. This would cap the city’s participation at $225 million, which would be covered by three user fees or “user taxes” on the ballot. Those three fees include:

  • A 10 percent ticket tax for events at this arena.
  • A $1 to $2 per day pen tax capped at $20 per event for use of a stall or pen at an equestrian event at Will Rogers.
  • A tax of up to $5 on parking at Will Rogers Memorial Center. This would not necessarily mean the price to park would increase by $5. Rather, it means that up to $5 of the cost to park will be used to pay for the arena and new parking garage once construction is complete.

These taxes will expire once the city's portion of the arena's cost is paid off.

Other sources of funding for the arena will include a portion of state sales and mixed beverage taxes, as well as a portion of future revenue growth in state and city hotel taxes collected from hotels located within three miles of the Will Rogers Memorial Center and the Fort Worth Convention Center.

There will be no increase to property tax rate and no increase to sales tax to pay for this project.

In addition to voting on the Multipurpose Arena, Fort Worth voters will also have the chance to vote on a number of contested local and state elections. State Proposition 1, which is on the ballot, will direct more state funding to transportation improvements if approved.

To find your district and learn more about races in your area, visit to find some helpful links. Sample Ballots are another great way to learn about what to expect on your ticket, and to ensure a smooth and informed voting process.

Often in non-presidential elections, low voter turnout is the norm. But we can do better! Voting in local elections is critical to forming and sustaining an engaged and prosperous city. So if you love Fort Worth as much as I do, let’s show it. Let’s get out there and vote!

And as a reminder, ID is required in order to vote this coming Election Day. Learn more about ID requirements.

Betsy Price, a Fort Worth native, was elected as the 44th mayor of the City of Fort Worth June 18, 2011. A successful business owner and lifelong public servant, Price uses this forum to ensure transparency and inform residents of issues and programs that affect their daily lives.

About Mayor Price

Betsy Price, a Fort Worth native, was elected as the 44th mayor of the City of Fort Worth June 18, 2011. Read the mayor's bio »

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Mayor's Office
1000 Throckmorton St.
Fort Worth, Texas 76102

Telephone: 817-392-6118
Fax: 817-392-6187

Mayor's Aide: 
Rachel Horton

Beth Ellis 


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