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 Weekly Updates

LegiStorm is constantly adding new information on the people, places and reports in our database. In the past week, LegiStorm added:

  • 78 new people
  • 98 new organizations
  • 86 new photos
  • 694 job history records for people in our database
  • 222 education records for people in our database
  • 466 contact addresses, emails and URLs (LinkedIn, Facebook, etc.)
  • 3 new people through the revolving door
  • 25 new policy reports
  • 30 new trips to our privately funded travel database
  • 15 new personal financial disclosures
  • 77671 new tweets
  • 1219 new press releases
  • 43 new town halls

Condon criticized outsized city salaries on campaign trail in 2011

by The Spokesman-Review on 10/16/2014

Fattah's new chief of staff linked to congressman's troubled nonprofit

by Philly.com on 10/14/2014

Fact Checker: Braley’s pay for female staffers

by The Gazette (Cedar Rapids, Iowa) on 10/14/2014

Lobbying World

by The Hill on 10/14/2014


Salaries Travis J. Windle, Congressional Staffer - Salary Data
Alternate Name: Travis Windle test


List by:
Employing Office Start date End date Position Amount Notes PDF
04/01/09 05/31/09
View original PDF
03/01/09 03/31/09
View original PDF
01/17/09 02/28/09
View original PDF
01/01/09 01/16/09
View original PDF
2009 subtotal:
10/01/08 12/31/08
View original PDF
07/01/08 09/30/08
View original PDF
04/01/08 06/30/08
View original PDF
02/16/08 03/31/08
View original PDF
01/03/08 02/15/08
View original PDF
01/01/08 01/02/08
View original PDF
2008 subtotal:
10/01/07 12/31/07
View original PDF
01/03/07 01/30/07
Other Compensation View original PDF
01/03/07 01/30/07
Other Compensation View original PDF
01/01/07 01/31/07
View original PDF
07/01/07 09/30/07
View original PDF
03/26/07 06/30/07
View original PDF
01/03/07 01/30/07
Other Compensation View original PDF
01/01/07 01/02/07
View original PDF
01/01/07 01/31/07
View original PDF
01/01/07 01/02/07
Other Compensation View original PDF
2007 subtotal:
12/01/06 12/31/06
View original PDF
05/01/06 05/31/06
Other Compensation View original PDF
04/01/06 05/31/06
View original PDF
01/03/06 03/31/06
View original PDF
01/01/06 01/02/06
View original PDF
2006 subtotal:
10/01/05 12/31/05
View original PDF
07/06/05 09/30/05
View original PDF
2005 subtotal:

* Marked salary data appeared in the official records from the listed fiscal year even though it pertains to a different fiscal year.

Congressional staff salaries shown are the amount paid in the period shown. They are not annual salaries. Because bonuses may be included here and other payments may not be (most notably with aides working for multiple offices or for a political campaign committee), please use caution in extrapolating annual salaries from the figures shown here.

We have taken great care to have this website reflect the official record, but we have discovered a handful of errors both in the official record and our own transcription. If you believe our information is in error, please let us know so we can fix it as soon as possible. We take accuracy very seriously.

LegiStorm's salary data goes back to Oct. 1, 2000. We do not have information prior to this date.