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Jeff Gerth

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Jeff Gerth is a senior reporter at ProPublica. Previously, he worked as an investigative reporter at The New York Times from 1976 through 2005. His work has twice been honored with the Pulitzer Prize. He also won a George Polk Award. His often-prescient coverage has run the gamut from Al Qaeda to Enron, from Whitewater to Chinese technology transfers. During 2004 he was a visiting professor at Princeton University, where he taught an undergraduate seminar on investigative reporting. Gerth is also the co-author (with Don Van Natta Jr.), of Her Way: The Hopes and Ambitions of Hillary Rodham Clinton, published in 2007.


In Private Papers, A More Candid Tim Geithner Speaks Out

The former Treasury secretary and architect of the Obama administration's financial rescue sounds more like some of his detractors in papers that were never meant to be public.

All the Things Hillary Clinton’s Book Doesn’t Say About Iraq

In “Hard Choices,” the former secretary of state ignores or glosses over key aspects of her record on Iraq—including State Department responsibility for the country’s security assistance.

Geithner Book: ‘I Should Have Paid More Attention’ to Citigroup’s Woes

The former treasury secretary says his close ties to ex-Citi executive Robert Rubin ‘tempered my skepticism’ about the bank’s health in the years before the financial crisis hit.

FDA Opens Review of Rules for Over-the-Counter Drugs, Including Acetaminophen

Federal regulators’ announcement that they will examine the regulation of non-prescription drugs such as acetaminophen, the active ingredient in Tylenol, follows a ProPublica investigation.

Over-The-Counter Pills Left Out of FDA Acetaminophen Limits

Federal drug regulators are moving to enforce a ban on prescription drugs with more than 325 milligrams of acetaminophen. But you’ll still be able to buy pills that contain up to twice that dose over-the-counter at the gas station or grocery store.

The Fix Isn’t In: Why a Safety Device That Can Stop Overdoses by Kids Isn’t Widely Used

Safety valves that cost pennies per bottle could save thousands of kids from being rushed to emergency rooms each year. A doctor has campaigned to have the devices added to all liquid medicines, but so far he’s had limited success.

Tylenol’s Risks Not Fully Understood, Poll Shows

Most Americans know that overdosing can be dangerous but many wrongly think it’s safe to mix drugs containing acetaminophen, a nationwide poll found.

Behind the Numbers

We explore the data behind figures showing how many people die from overdosing on acetaminophen, the active ingredient in Tylenol.

GE Failed to Adequately Warn about Dangers of its MRI Dye, Jury Finds

A jury awarded $5 million to a patient and his wife after it found GE Healthcare didn’t adequately warn patients and doctors about the risk of its imaging dye, Omniscan. It was the first case involving the dye to go to trial.

‘Burn the Data’: Did a Company Try to Hide Risks of MRI Dye Omniscan?

A groundbreaking trial over GE Healthcare's imaging dye Omniscan reveals new evidence that a rare but terrible side effect might have been downplayed. GE says the evidence is being twisted and that it acted ethically.

IRS Wins Big Tax Ruling against Bank of New York Mellon

In a major win for the IRS, a federal tax court judge ruled that BNY Mellon improperly claimed foreign tax credits. The bank announced it would take an $850 million charge but that it would also appeal.

Lump of Coal: Promising Mine Deal Hits Headwinds

Gunvor, co-owned by a Russian tycoon, bought into a Montana coal mine and doubled production. But falling coal prices and a lawsuit have created obstacles.

At Last! After 15 Years, Govt Tells Phone Companies to Follow Low-Price Rule for Schools

Following years of neglect and a ProPublica story last week, regulators are about to tell phone companies to comply with a rule that they charge bargain rates to schools.

AT&T, Feds Neglect Low-Price Mandate Designed to Help Schools

To help avert a digital divide between rich and poor students, Congress required phone companies to offer bargain rates to schools. But as schools struggle for funding, evidence shows that this low-price requirement has been widely neglected.

Bank of New York Case Tests IRS Power to Halt Foreign Tax Abuses

A trial starting Monday in tax court will decide whether a complex financial deal developed by Barclays allowed the Bank of New York to claim foreign tax credits for “phantom” expenses booked in the U.K.

Corporations Couldn’t Wait to ‘Check the Box’ on Huge Tax Break

The 'check-the-box' rule, meant to cut red tape for companies, has inadvertently allowed them to avoid billions of dollars in taxes each year, and the government keeps balking at closing the loophole.

Did Barclays Help U.S. Banks Get Undeserved Foreign Tax Credits?

The Internal Revenue Service says STARS transactions marketed by the British bank Barclays generated undeserved foreign tax credits for six U.S. banks, which say the complex deals were legitimate low-cost loans.

Government Claims AIG ‘Gamed the Tax System’

STARS deals weren't the only ones that took advantage of cross-border differences in law to reap hundreds of millions of dollars in tax breaks.

Setting The Record Straight on GE’s Taxes

Did GE pay U.S. income taxes in 2010? The company known for minimizing its tax bill made a muddled situation worse responding to a New York Times report suggesting it might get a refund. GE now says it has a small tax liability for 2010.

5 Ways GE Plays the Tax Game

GE is in a class by itself when it comes to paring its tax rate well below the top U.S. corporate rate of 35 percent – sometimes into the single digits – using an array of strategies that include hiring top tax experts from IRS and Treasury.

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