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 W   E   L   C   O   M   E .
  "It's all Hallow's Eve,        ,#'      all the sites are about
   The moon is full.            #$"#;     these days are graphics,
   Will she trick or treat?     $. ,#     graphics, graphics.  no
   I bet she will."            ,:###'     importance is given to
                                          the content.  what makes
  you're at benturner.com.      `#,       you somebody online is
  people underestimate the        ##.     what you can do graphi-
 power of the word.  words     ,#'##''`   cally.  screw images.
 surround us all the time,         ##$    i think i'll trick this
 yet we ignore them.  this         :#'    halloween.  Let them play
  site is all about words,        ,'      with their Photoshops.
  and this time, you can't                
       ignore them.             bt.com          ENTER HERE.

323628 HITS SINCE JUNE 10TH, 2005