
Journalism in the Public Interest


Naveena Sadasivam

Naveena Sadasivam

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Naveena Sadasivam is a reporting intern at ProPublica. She recently graduated from NYU’s master’s program in environmental journalism and previously interned at InsideClimate News and OnEarth magazine.


Confession Ruled Admissible in Etan Patz Case

Pedro Hernandez's attorneys had argued that his interrogation was handled improperly and that he did not have the mental capacity to waive his rights against self-incrimination.

For Oil and Gas Companies, Rigging Seems to Involve Wages, Too

U.S. Department of Labor investigations have uncovered hundreds of cases in which oil and gas workers, many involved in dangerous jobs, are being cheated of earnings.

Report: Drillers Illegally Using Diesel Fuel to Frack

An analysis by an environmental group finds hundreds of cases in which drillers used diesel fuel without obtaining permits and sometimes altered records disclosing they had done so

Report Criticizes EPA Oversight of Injection Wells

The Government Accountability Office says environmental regulators are failing to adequately enforce rules for wells used to dispose of toxic waste from drilling.

Under Water: The EPA’s Struggle to Combat Pollution

Frustration and inaction color efforts to enforce the Clean Water Act.

New York State of Fracking: A ProPublica Explainer

Court cases. A governor’s moratorium. Pending health study. A quick guide to the state of fracking in New York.

Aggressive Tactic on the Fracking Front

A Pennsylvania gas company offers residents cash to buy protection from any claims of harm.

In Fracking Hotbed, a Muted Approach to Regulation

In Ohio, where gas drilling is booming and toxic waste abundant, legislators acted modestly to address concerns about public safety.

In Fracking Fight, a Worry About How Best to Measure Health Threats

In Pennsylvania, opponents of gas drilling say regulators are slow and unprepared in responding to air quality complaints.

Drilling for Certainty: The Latest in Fracking Health Studies

ProPublica surveys some recent research on potential health implications of hydro fracking.

Hydrogen Fuel Set to Take Off, But Safety Concerns Remain

In California, hydrogen-fueled cars are gaining in popularity. Will their safety issues garner greater scrutiny?

A Reading Guide on the Billionaire Koch Brothers

A Reading Guide on the Billionaire Koch Brothers
Naveena Sadasivam

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