
Keller @ Large: Long Live Debates

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Jon Keller with the 5 candidates for Mass. governor - Charlie Baker, Martha Coakley, Evan Falchuk, Scott Lively and Jeff McCormick. (WBZ-TV)

Jon Keller with the 5 candidates for Mass. governor – Charlie Baker, Martha Coakley, Evan Falchuk, Scott Lively and Jeff McCormick. (WBZ-TV)

WBZ-TV's Jon Keller Jon Keller
Jon Keller is WBZ-TV News' Political Analyst, and his "Keller A...
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BOSTON (CBS) – They had the final TV debate in the race for governor Tuesday night, and as much as I can’t wait for the barrage of ads and candidate mudslinging to be over, I am going to miss the debates.

There is nothing more edifying than a political debate in which candidates are forced off their scripts and must defend their ideas and records, spontaneously and under the not-inconsiderable pressure of hot lights and live TV cameras.

From this – not from canned speeches, phony “town meetings” stacked with sycophantic supporters, and absurd, poll-tested TV ads – we learn something about who these men and women really are, and get at least some sense of whether they’re who we want wielding power over our lives.

Some debates are better than others; I have my own ideas about how a debate should flow and what the moderator’s role should be.

But I also enjoy and learn from different formats and approaches to moderation. A debate is like a chocolate frappe – there’s no such thing as a really bad one.

OK, maybe that’s an exaggeration.

I’ve moderated a couple of debates over the years where the candidates were so terrified of making a mistake, they clammed up and stood there like department store mannequins.

But for the most part, I’d like to see more debate in our political culture, both in and out of campaign season, not less.

It’s a shame that debate is so often curtailed on Beacon Hill these days, and when it does occur, is consigned to a balky online feed. It doesn’t do the legislators any favors, and doesn’t help educate the public.

So, long live debates.

Whatever form they take.

Listen to Jon’s commentary:

You can listen to Keller At Large on WBZ News Radio every weekday at 7:55 a.m. You can also watch Jon on WBZ-TV News.


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