
Tom Menino’s Decision Could Be Quality Of Life Issue

By Dr. Mallika Marshall, WBZ-TV
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Boston Mayor Tom Menino. (Photo by Gail Oskin/Getty Images)

Boston Mayor Tom Menino. (Photo by Gail Oskin/Getty Images)

Dr. Mallika Marshall, WBZ-TV Medical Reporter Dr. Mallika Marshall
Dr. Mallika Marshall is WBZ-TV News’ Medical Reporter and contributes...
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BOSTON (CBS) – Former Boston Mayor Tom Menino said Thursday he is suspending treatment for an advanced form of cancer.

Menino, 71, was diagnosed with cancer in February, about a month after leaving office.

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The source of the cancer could not be determined, which happens in a small percentage of patients with cancer.

But it was an advanced form that had spread to his liver and his lymph nodes. Menino began chemotherapy in early March and surgery was not an option.

So what may have led to his decision to suspend treatment?

When someone has advanced cancer, sometimes either the patient or the doctors, or both, will come to the decision to stop further treatment. Either because doctors decide that it won’t help or a patient decides that they have had enough.

Menino was admitted to the hospital October 16 for dehydration related to his cancer treatments.

So it could certainly be a quality of life issue. Chemotherapy can make people feel really sick, and some patients decide that having the side effects of chemo is not how they want to spend the rest of their days.

Suspending chemotherapy does not mean that Menino won’t be treated for the side effects of cancer itself like pain, for example.

I’m sure that doctors will continue to monitor his condition and make him as comfortable as possible.

You can follow Dr. Mallika Marshall on Twitter @mallikamarshall


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