
This skytruthing project is a multi-phase effort to map drilling and hydraulic fracturing (fracking) across the United States using crowdsourced image analysis of aerial and satellite imagery. We need your eyes to help us build a comprehensive map of fracking infrastructure so that researchers can study the environmental and public health implications of this natural resource extraction boom

Everything is online, there is nothing to download, and we'll show you what you are looking for. This is "armchair citizen science" that you can do from the comfort of your own home, but it supports real research, in this case, by environmental scientists at Walsh University in N. Canton, Ohio.

About Us: At SkyTruth we work hard to make the unseen impacts of pollution and industrial development visible to the public. This often means making maps, and with your help we can build unique datasets to better understand the environmental impact of drilling and fracking. Read more about some of our past work in this feature in Conservation Magazine.

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FrackFinder News

  • TADPOLE Pennsylvania Results Thanks to our amazing volunteers, the massive dataset in Project TADPOLE Pennsylvania was completely categorized within one month. After going through some of the ambiguous images that you could not ...
    Posted Feb 12, 2014, 9:24 AM by Yolandita Franklin
  • Progress Update: Project TADPOLE Complete! Earlier this month we launched Project TADPOLE, the first stage of FrackFinder, a crowdsourced skytruthing project to find, map and track fracking sites beginning with the Marcellus Shale region of ...
    Posted Aug 30, 2013, 12:37 PM by Yolandita Franklin
  • Progress Update: We can see the finish line! Jinkies, we're 90% complete! It's only been three weeks and thanks to all of your help, 80,000 tasks have already been completed in FrackFinder: Project TADPOLE! As ...
    Posted Aug 22, 2013, 1:28 PM by Yolandita Franklin
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