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Human Trafficking

Who is working to stop the trafficking of people, especially children and women around the world, both as slaves and sex workers?

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Start Conversations

Ever wanted to share your interest in a cause or engage family and friends but weren’t sure how to get the conversation started? Wonder no more. Our Monitor editors are here to offer relevant questions on a specific news topics to help you get the discussion going.

Does the United States have a responsibility to take care of children who cross the border?

Tens of thousands of unaccompanied children fleeing poverty and gang violence crossed the border this summer, straining the country's ability to cope. Many of them were united with family-members in the US while they await deportation hearings. Is it America's job to help care for those less-fortunate or to send them home?

How far out of your way would you go to ensure you're buying clothing that has not been made by people who are enslaved to human traffickers?

Many activists have worked to come up with programs to certify that clothes are sweat shop free or rugs are not made with child labor. Should this be expanded to include human trafficking? Would you be willing to pay more for such goods?

Discover Groups
Making a Difference

Universal Giving helps people give to and volunteer for top-performing charitable organizations around the world. All the organizations and projects listed below have been vetted by Universal Giving; 100 percent of each donation goes directly to the listed cause.

SASEF logo

Shirley Ann Sullivan Educational Foundation

Shirley Ann Sullivan Educational Foundation (SASEF) created The V Sign hand signal so the youngest victims can identify themselves as needing help.

Children of the Night logo

Children of the Night

Children of the Night is dedicated to rescuing children throughout the United States from prostitution.

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& Lend a Hand

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Want to voice your opinion but not sure who represents you in Congress? Enter your ZIP Code below and see who your representative and senators are along with information on how to get in touch.
