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Conflict Resolution

Learn who's working on problems like bullying, gangs, congressional gridlock, refugees, wars, and violent conflicts.

Ask Friends &
Start Conversations

Ever wanted to share your interest in a cause or engage family and friends but weren’t sure how to get the conversation started? Wonder no more. Our Monitor editors are here to offer relevant questions on a specific news topics to help you get the discussion going.

How can individuals impact long-standing conflicts?

What do you think of Seeds for Peace, the Israeli-Palestinian NGO that promotes dialog between the two sides? Can you think of examples of individual peace initiatives that have moved the needle in global conflicts? Is it fair to expect leaders to move their constituencies towards peace, if there isn't a groundswell of public support for nonviolent solutions?

What are the building blocks to conflict resolution?

Who are the appropriate mediators in conflicts like land disputes? How can you measure progress in peace efforts that rely on informal agreements, not legal accords? Where can you find the best examples of community engagement in peace-building efforts and what made them effective?

Discover Groups
Making a Difference

Universal Giving helps people give to and volunteer for top-performing charitable organizations around the world. All the organizations and projects listed below have been vetted by Universal Giving; 100 percent of each donation goes directly to the listed cause.

Global Citizens Network logo

Global Citizens Network

Global Citizens Network partners with people of diverse cultures to promote cross-cultural understanding and interconnectedness through authentic immersion experiences.

Asia America Initiative logo

Asia America Initiative

Asia America Initiative’s grassroots efforts build peace, social justice, and economic development in impoverished and conflict-plagued communities.

Mercy Corps logo

Mercy Corps

Mercy Corps works to alleviate suffering, poverty and oppression by helping people build secure, productive and just communities.

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& Lend a Hand

Contact Congressperson

Want to voice your opinion but not sure who represents you in Congress? Enter your ZIP Code below and see who your representative and senators are along with information on how to get in touch.
