Ron Reynolds

TLCQ 2014: Ron Reynolds

In the Seventh installment of the 2014 Texas Leftist Candidate Questionnaire, we hear from State Representative Ron Reynolds, incumbent of the Texas House of Representatives, District 27.  He is a Democrat, running for reelection.

Please note: Responses have been received directly from the candidate, and have been posted ver batim from the email received. This is done out of fairness to all candidates. Publishing these responses does not constitute an endorsement, but will be considered during the endorsement process.


TL:  What is your name, as it will appear on the ballot?

RR:  Ron Reynolds


TL:  Are you a current or former elected official? If so what office(s)?

RR:  Current: Texas State Representative, District 27


TL:  As a political candidate, you clearly care about what happens in certain levels of government. In your own words, why is government important?

RR:  I am passionate about protecting and serving the rights of my constituents. Our government provides the platform to establish laws that protect citizens and preserve their rights, prosperity, longevity, infrastructure, education and peace of mind for their families and generations to come.


TL:  If elected, name your top 3 priorities you hope to accomplish for 2015 legislative session. Describe how you plan to accomplish them.

RR:  My top three priorities are to fight for economic development, expand access to high quality affordable health care and fund public education.

I will continue to accomplish these goals by ensuring funding for entrepreneurs and small business owners within Fort Bend County through low-interest loans and start-up grants, and equal opportunities for contracts with state governmental entities.  Regarding health care, I believe all Texans have a right to high quality affordable healthcare.  I will continue to support legislation that funds CHIP, stem cell research and access to healthcare for everyone.  Public education in Texas ranks at or near the bottom compared to the rest of the country. I am committed to correcting this problem by supporting initiatives that de-emphasize the significance of teaching to the test and support our educators and students.


TL:  A 2013 survey found that 54 percent of Texas voters support Medicaid Expansion under the Affordable Care Act. Expansion is also supported by the Texas Hospital Association. Without Medicaid Expansion or an alternate solution, Texas Hospitals are having to provide over $5 billion dollars annually in uncompensated care to patients who lack insurance.  This leaves Texas taxpayers paying not only for the uncompensated care of our residents, but also paying for expanded healthcare benefits in other states. If elected, would you support Medicaid Expansion or an alternate solution for the state of Texas, so we can bring our tax dollars back where they belong?  If not, please explain why.  If so, please explain how you would work to pass such a measure.

RR:  I support Medicaid Expansion under the Affordable Care Act and other options that will restore the funding necessary to support the state’s CHIP program and other critical programs that protect the health of our families.


TL:  In the coming years, the state of Texas is projected to have a population boom of historic proportions. But with more people and more opportunities comes an ever-increasing strain on Texas roads and infrastructure. Describe your thoughts on what needs to be done to improve Texas infrastructure now so we can plan for a bright future for the state.

RR:  Fort Bend County is one of the fastest growing counties in the nation. It is a challenge to keep up with expansion while not compromising quality of life.  Infrastructure is essential to maintaining excellent highways, airports, roadways, water systems, drainage, wastewater treatment, traffic lights and bridges. I will remain proactive in supporting infrastructure projects that plan long-term and strategically for the future economic, physical, social and cultural well-being of the county.


TL:  What makes you the best candidate for this office?

RR:  I believe to whom much is given, much is required. I am a public servant at heart and always will be. It is simply who I am. I am the best candidate for this office because I care about the well-being of our constituents and will continue to fight for the best interests our families, educators, business owners and community leaders. I willingly reach across the aisle to achieve positive results for the benefit of our citizens, while putting people matters first over politics.


TL:  When not on the campaign trail, how do you like to spend your free time?

RR:  Staying grounded through maintaining a strong spiritual life and spending time with my family are very enjoyable to me.


Thanks to Representative Reynolds for his participation.


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