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The American Journal of Public Health

Current Cover

VA Health Equity Supplement

First Look - Peer-reviewed, copy-edited articles published ahead of print

Current Issue - November 2014 - Healthography

The Department of Veterans Affairs Office of Health Equity has partnered with the American Journal of Public Health to publish an online-only, open access issue on Health Equity. This issue brings focus to the health equity issues specific to our nation's Veterans. All articles are available free to the public and online only. Click the link above to view the issue in its entirety. To learn more about health equity issues among Veterans and the articles in this issue, view this short video.

Current Issue - Supplement 4 2014 - Health Equity

2013 Impact Factor Released

The American Journal of Public Health continues to be a leader in the field of Public Health, publishing quality research that is highly cited. Our 2013 impact factor is 4.229, an increase over last year, and ranks the journal #4 out of 136 titles in the Public, Environmental and Occupational Health category in the Social Sciences Citation Index and #14 of 160 titles in the same category for the Science Index.

An Interview With Dr. John Ruffin

Dr. John Ruffin, Director of the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities, was interveiwed by Dr. Stephen Thomas and Dr. Sandra Quinn of the University of Maryland Center for Health Equity and Guest Editors of this theme issue. Dr. Ruffin discusses a variety of issues related to the importance of including minorities in research, the changing demographics of the US population, new challenges for researchers, the value of community participation, and how minority inclusion research is "not one size fits all."

Click on the links below to download and listen to select clips from the interview or to view the full interview transcript.

Clip #1: Researchers and Recruitment of Minorities.
speaker-th Listen

Clip #2: Inclusion and Heterogeneity of Ethnic Populations
speaker-th Listen

Clip #3: Reasons Why Minorities Don't Want to Participate in Research Studies
speaker-th Listen

Clip #4: Community-Based Research
speaker-th Listen

Clip #5: The Importance of Community Involvement
speaker-th Listen

To view a pdf of the full transcript, click here. or right click the link to download the file.


AJPH Collection on Gun Violence Prevention

In the wake of the tragic shooting at the Washington, DC, Naval Yard on Monday, September 16, 2013, the journal has compiled a collection of papers and other resources to help promote awareness and policy change surrounding gun violence, veterans health, and suicide. For those seeking more information on organizations that work with victims of gun violence and other types of violence, please consult Chapter 11 from APHA's book, Confronting Violence. Additionally, the following articles and content have been unlocked to public viewing:

Shim et al: Primary Care, Behavioral Health, and Public Health: Partners in Reducing Mental Health Stigma.

Lewiecki et al: Suicide, Guns, and Public Policy.

Siegel et al: The Relationship Between Gun Ownership and Firearm Homicide Rates in the United States, 1981–2010.

Henderson et al: Mental Illness Stigma, Help Seeking, and Public Health Programs.

Magruder et al: The Role of Pain, Functioning, and Mental Health Suicidality Among Veterans Affairs Primary Care Patients.

Keyes et al: To Flourish or Not: Positive Mental Health and All-Cause Mortality.

Kaplan et al: Suicide Risk and Precipitating Circumstances Among Young, Middle-Aged, and Older Male Veterans.

Vernick et al: Availability of Litigation as a Public Health Tool for Firearm Injury Prevention: Comparison of Guns, Vaccines, and Motor Vehicles.

Branas et al: Investigating the Link Between Gun Possession and Gun Assault.

Fledderus et al: Mental Health Promotion as a New Goal in Public Mental Health Care: A Randomized Controlled Trial of an Intervention Enhancing Psychological Flexibility.

Druss et al: Mental Health Promotion in a Reformed Health Care System.

Davis et al: Reduced Mortality Among Department of Veterans Affairs Patients With Schizophrenia or Bipolar Disorder Lost to Follow-Up and Engaged in Active Outreach to Return for Care.

Lane et al: Prevalence of Perceived Stress and Mental Health Indicators Among Reserve-Component and Active-Duty Military Personnel.

Ilgen et al: Patterns of Treatment Utilization Before Suicide Among Male Veterans With Substance Use Disorders.

Katz et al: Lessons Learned From Mental Health Enhancement and Suicide Prevention Activities in the Veterans Health Administration.

Access the Journal on your E-Reader and E-Reader enabled Mobile Device!

Both the print and the online-only articles have been combined into one E-Reader friendly product, enabling access to the complete Journal issue.

10/09/2013:  The December 2012 e-Reader issues are now available for download. We have two different versions available: one for the Kindle and one for all devices. APHA Members access the e-Reader product as a benefit and must follow a dual sign-on process. Watch the video tutorial here or here. All other must purchase access and must have a registered account with our website.

FREE: The full version of the July 2012 Journal issue is available for free for your E-Reader and E-Reader enabled mobile device.

Features include: Both the print and online-only articles, full advertisements, easy navigation from article to article, easy navigation within articles, a streamlined reading experience that puts fully linked tables, figures, and references at the end of the issue, as well as standard E-Reader features such as top-menu navigation, bookmarking and note-taking capabilities, and "double tap" access to all images and figures. Additionally, URLs and email links are fully functional on devices with Internet accessibility.

Watch the tutorial:

The American Journal of Public Health has 2012 impact factor of 3.930 and is ranked #4 out of 136 titles in the Public, Environmental and Occupational Health category in the Social Sciences Citation Index and #16 of 158 titles in the same category for the Science Index. 



Current Cover  

Previous Issue - October 2014 - Science as a Driver of Policy

Previous Issues - September 2014 - The Social Justice Agenda

Previous Issues - Supplement 4 2014 - Health Equity - Open Access, Online Only

Previous Issues - August 2014 - Pain, Substance Use, and Addiction

Spanish Supplement

Current Issue - Supplement 2 2014 - Expanding Access to Spanish-Speaking Communities / Ampliar el accesso a las communidades hispanohablantes

Online-only and Open Access - in our continuing effort to expand access to vital public health science and information, theAmerican Journal of Public Health (AJPH)presents this online-only, open access supplement issue containing Spanish and English versions of articles. These articles, produced in collaboration with the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), reflect the strong bond between the American Public Health Association (APHA) and the PAHO in their efforts to “address emerging threats to the public’s health through a variety of measures that help the field better understand the best science, define effective policies, and support programs that empower people and institutions to act,” says Editorial authors Dr. John Andrus, Dr. Georges Benjamin, and Dr. Jeffrey Wilson. Regarding this special issue, they continue, “Our joint initiative is designed to expand access to the types of peer-reviewed articles that delve into the heart of solutions that can be applied in communities across the world.”

The theme of National Public Health Week is “Start Here,” and this supplement issue represents the first in an annual series of publications showcase the APHA–PAHO collaboration. Each year, as articles are published in English in AJPH, a joint team from AJPH and PAHO will identify priority articles for translation by PAHO Translation services and staff. Translated articles are then published in issues of the Pan American Journal of Public Health, and then consolidated into a single issue by AJPH each year and published with the English versions as an official supplement. This supplement contains the first three articles translated as part of this collaboration and partnership.

As Dr. Mary Northridge and Dr. Kenneth Rochel de Camargo state in their Editor’s Choice column, “The AJPH Editorial Board has long sought to translate AJPH papers to Spanish and other languages . . . to ensure its content is not only read by public health enthusiasts around the globe but also acted upon wherever warranted. How much impact can 3 research papers make to the realization of this vision? As per the theme of National Public Health Week, . . . we “Start Here.” Where we end up depends upon the evolving goals of this partnership and the collective resolve to achieve them.”

To view the supplement in its entirety, click on the link above

The American Journal of Public Health® (AJPH®) is dedicated to the publication of original work in research, research methods, and program evaluation in the field of public health. The mission of the journal is to advance public health research, policy, practice, and education.  Celebrating over 100 years, AJPH is the official journal of the American Public Health Association. Additionally,   AJPH was voted one of the 100 Most Influential Journals in Biology & Medicine over the last 100 Years by the Special Libraries Association.

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AJPHTalks continues its extended coverage of AJPH material, highlighting important research and public health topics, providing notices of Journal updates, and noting key policy changes within the Journal. AJPHTalks is a free access blog and will be available to all. It features RSS subscription feeds and social media links via Google Plus, Facebook, and Twitter. Subscribe today and stay tuned for new updates!

November 2014

Online-Only and Open-Access Exclusive

Editor's Choice

Casey CG. Integrating Knowledge for Public Health Action. Am J Public Health. 2014;104(11):e12-e13.

MMWR in Brief

Wikswo M. Outbreaks of Acute Gastroenteritis Transmitted by Person-to-Person Contact—United States, 2009–2010.  Am J Public Health. 2014;104(11):e13-e14.

Framing Health Matters

Underhill K, Dumont D, Operario D. HIV Prevention for Adults With Criminal Justice Involvement: A Systematic Review of HIV Risk-Reduction Interventions in Incarceration and Community Settings. Am J Public Health. 2014;104(11):e27-e53.

Research and Practice

Fuller T, Peters J, Pearson M, Anderson R. Impact of the Transparent Reporting of Evaluations With Nonrandomized Designs Reporting Guideline: Ten Years On. Am J Public Health. 2014;104(11):e27-e53.

Open-Access Exclusives

Framing Health Matters

Yuan NP, Bartgis J, Demers D. Promoting Ethical Research With American Indian and Alaska Native People Living in Urban Areas. Am J Public Health. 2014;104(11):2085-2091.

Research and Practice

Jones MR, Diez-Roux AV, Hajat A, et al. Race/Ethnicity, Residential Segregation, and Exposure to Ambient Air Pollution: The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA). Am J Public Health. 2014;104(11):2130-2137.



Drewnowski A, Rehm CD. Obesity Prevention: Gore-Tex or Sunscreen? Am J Public Health. 2014;104(11):e1.

von Hippel PT, Benson R. von Hippel and Benson Respond. Am J Public Health. 2014;104(11):e2.

Thihalolipavan S, Jung M, Jasek J, Chamany S. Menthol Smokers in Large-Scale Nicotine Replacement Therapy Program. Am J Public Health. 2014;104(11):e3-e4.

Salomon A, Kimbrough G, Bershteyn A. The Safety of Public Bicycle Share Programs in North America.
Am J Public Health. 2014;104(11):e5.

Cowling K. Net Effects of Bicycle Share Programs on Bike Safety. Am J Public Health. 2014;104(11):e6.

Graves JM, Pless IB, Rivara FP. Graves et al. Respond. Am J Public Health. 2014;104(11):e6-e7.

Editor's Choice

Northridge ME, Holtzman D. Paper and Reviewer of the Year Award Winners. Am J Public Health. 2014;104(11):e8-e11.

Public Health Policy Brief

Thomas KS, Keohane L, Mor V. Local Medicaid Home- and Community-Based Services Spending and Nursing Home Admissions of Younger Adults. Am J Public Health. 2014;104(11):e15-e17.

Winickoff JP, Hartman L, Chen ML, Gottlieb M, Nabi-Burza E, DiFranza JR. Retail Impact of Raising Tobacco Sales Age to 21 Years. Am J Public Health. 2014;104(11):e18-e21.

McGinty EE, Frattaroli S, Appelbaum PS, et al. Using Research Evidence to Reframe the Policy Debate Around Mental Illness and Guns: Process and Recommendations. Am J Public Health. 2014;104(11):e22-e26.

System Review

Underhill K, Dumont D, Operario D. HIV Prevention for Adults With Criminal Justice Involvement: A Systematic Review of HIV Risk-Reduction Interventions in Incarceration and Community Settings.
Am J Public Health. 2014;104(11):e27-e53.

Sorenson SB, Joshi M, Sivitz E. A Systematic Review of the Epidemiology of Nonfatal Strangulation, a Human Rights and Health Concern. Am J Public Health. 2014;104(11):e54-e61.

Wang E, Clymer J, Davis-Hayes C, Buttenheim A. Nonmedical Exemptions From School Immunization Requirements: A Systematic Review. Am J Public Health. 2014;104(11):e62-e84.

Framing Health Matters

Crager SE. Improving Global Access to New Vaccines: Intellectual Property, Technology Transfer,
and Regulatory Pathways.
Am J Public Health. 2014;104(11):e85-e91.

Research and Practice

Landers S, Closson EF, Oldenburg CE, et al. HIV Prevention Needs Among Street-Based Male Sex Workers in Providence, Rhode Island. Am J Public Health. 2014;104(11):e100-e102.

Javanbakht M, Boudov M, Anderson LJ, et al. Sexually Transmitted Infections Among Incarcerated Women: Findings From a Decade of Screening in a Los Angeles County Jail, 2002–2012.
Am J Public Health. 2014;104(11):e103-e109.

Placzek HE, Madoff LC. Association of Age and Comorbidity on 2009 Influenza A Pandemic H1N1-Related Intensive Care Unit Stay in Massachusetts. Am J Public Health. 2014;104(11):e118-e125.

Noelke C, Beckfield J. Recessions, Job Loss, and Mortality Among Older US Adults.
Am J Public Health. 2014;104(11):e126-e134.

Abara WE, Smith L, Zhang S, Fairchild AJ, Heiman HJ, Rust G. The Influence of Race and Comorbidity on the Timely Initiation of Antiretroviral Therapy Among Older Persons Living With HIV/AIDS. Am J Public Health. 2014;104(11):e135-e141.

Pabayo R, Molnar BE, Cradock A, Kawachi I. The Relationship Between Neighborhood Socioeconomic Characteristics and Physical Inactivity Among Adolescents Living in Boston, Massachusetts.
Am J Public Health. 2014;104(11):e142-e149.

Kucik JE, Nembhard WN, Donohue P, et al. Community Socioeconomic Disadvantage and the Survival of Infants With Congenital Heart Defects. Am J Public Health. 2014;104(11):e150-e157.

Moore K, Jiang L., Manson SM, et al. Case Management to Reduce Cardiovascular Disease Risk in American Indians and Alaska Natives With Diabetes: Results From the Special Diabetes Program for Indians Healthy Heart Demonstration Project. Am J Public Health. 2014;104(11):e158-e164.

Watkins JP, Ellis ED, Girardi DJ, Cragle DL, Richter BS. Illness Absences Among Beryllium Sensitized Workers. Am J Public Health. 2014;104(11):e165-e169.

Kesse-Guyot E, Andreeva VA, Lassale C, Hercberg S, Galan P. Clustering of Midlife Lifestyle Behaviors and Subsequent Cognitive Function: A Longitudinal Study. Am J Public Health. 2014;104(11):e170-e177.

Huang J, Birkenmaier J, Kim Y. Job Loss and Unmet Health Care Needs in the Economic Recession: Different Associations by Family Income. Am J Public Health. 2014;104(11):e178.