
“Triple Divide put such a human face on the devastation caused by fracking…” Sister Marlene Bertke, Benedictine Sister for Peace at Film at Erie Art Musuem screening of Triple Divide

Over 150 people packed an auditorium for a FILM at Erie Art Museum series and Funding Factory screening of investigative shale gas documentary,Triple Divide.

The Film Society of Northwestern Pennsylvania strives to bring important, overlooked, and independent films to our region and when possible their filmmakers. With Triple Divide we really scored because it is an important film about hydraulic fracturing that does its homework and delivers in a clear, concise manner. We couldn’t have been happier with the turn-out and the discussion after the film with the talented filmmakers. Those who missed this screening really missed out. Seek out this film! - John C. Lyons, curator of FILM at the Erie Art Museum & Executive Director of the Film Society of NWPA

Filmmakers Joshua Pribanic and Melissa Troutman took questions from concerned residents who were overwhelmed by what they saw in the film.

“People are shocked by this film because these stories are foreign, even though they are occurring in their backyards, because mainstream media is not doing its job,” added Troutman. “Triple Divide is the only film on shale gas of its kind, using cold-hard evidence of how state regulations are not only failing the people, but knowingly putting them in harm’s way.”

“The mainstream media has chosen to blindfold the public and walk them to the plank instead of opening their eyes and reporting on the truth of fracking in Pennsylvania,” says Pribanic.

Many took home DVD copies of the film to share with neighbors, media, and elected officials by becoming Lifetime Members of Troutman and Pribanic’s investigative news nonprofit, Public Herald.

The filmmakers our currently screening the film nationwide, and will be focussing on an educational Ohio Screening Tour for September. For a list of screenings visit

Reactions to Triple Divide from the Benedictine Sisters of Erie, PA 

Sister Claire Marie Surmik, OSB

“From the film we certainly know the suffering of the victims  and that everyone is at risk from the shale gas industry.  Education is the key.  We have our work cut out for us — the means doesn’t justify the end (Jobs)”  

Sister Annette Marshall

Seeing the results of fracking ‘right here’ makes stopping this abuse of the
earth all the more imperative. The few jobs that may be gained does not
begin to stack up against the terrible devastation that will impact our area
for generations to come.

About the author

Joshua Pribanic is Editor-in-Chief for, an investigative reporter, director, photographer, and permaculturalist. His debut documentary, Triple Divide, investigates how the impacts of fracking are being handled by the state and industry. Influences include Ida Tarbell, Upton Sinclair, and ProPublica's Editor Paul Steiger. Follow on twitter: @jbpribanic

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