
Triple Divide DVD’s are scheduled to arrive next week! In light of this, we’ve released a teaser, one of our favorite DVD extras where Carolyn Knapp, Carol French, Diane Ward, and Lech Kowalski (Drill, Baby Drill) discuss the social, water and health impacts of fracking.

Triple Divide is a project produced by Public Herald Studios. All of our work is funded by the generous support of the public and our growing network of  Public Herald ‘lifetime members‘ — become a member with $30 donation and receive your DVD copy of Triple Divide. 

Right now, all incoming donations are being used to 1) distribute Triple Divide around the world 2) fund new and existing Public Herald projects, including follow-up investigative reports on fracking. Our team is actively sifting through additional DEP files each month, compiling shocking information never before seen by the public about how fracking has affected residents in Pennsylvania. To receive updates about these reports, be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, or subscribe to Public Herald’s newsletter that goes out at the beginning of each week.

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About the author

Joshua Pribanic is Editor-in-Chief for, an investigative reporter, director, photographer, and permaculturalist. His debut documentary, Triple Divide, investigates how the impacts of fracking are being handled by the state and industry. Influences include Ida Tarbell, Upton Sinclair, and ProPublica's Editor Paul Steiger. Follow on twitter: @jbpribanic

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  • Maggie Henry

    The folks are living my nightmare and what I work night and day to prevent!

  • mkhunt

    we are deeply grateful to the makers of this documentary. the harm here in WV is incredibly tragic..lost forever lives, trust, resources and degradation and despair are surrounding our farm which we continue to protect. Fracfree, Liberty and Justice WV!