In Williamsport, PA, a battle has erupted around Exceptional Value (EV) watersheds about Anadarko's proposed plans to drill within the Clarence Moore Lands, in Loyalsock State Forest. On Monday (June 3) environmentalists and concerned residents showed up by the hundreds at a [semi-official] DCNR meeting, speaking a unified message to "Keep it Wild." The meeting ran an hour over it's schedule to accomodate for comments submitted in opposition to the drilling plans. Triple Divide investigated the states ability to regulate natural gas drilling in places like the Clarence Moore Lands, and found that even with Best Management Practices in use the impacts devastated the semi-primitive and primitive ecosystems that inhabit these areas. If drilling is approved in Clarence Moore it's known environmental qualities are at high risk of being diminished.

In Williamsport, PA, a battle has erupted around Exceptional Value (EV) watersheds about Anadarko’s proposed plans to drill within the Clarence Moore Lands, in Loyalsock State Forest. On Monday (June 3) environmentalists and concerned residents showed up by the hundreds at a [semi-official] DCNR meeting, speaking a unified message to “Keep it Wild.” The meeting ran an hour over it’s schedule to accomodate for comments submitted in opposition to the drilling plans. photo: Fractracker

Triple Divide investigated the states ability to regulate natural gas drilling in places like the Clarence Moore Lands, and found that even with Best Management Practices in use, general impacts, and those from violations, devastated the semi-primitive and primitive ecosystems that inhabit these areas. Less than 5 years ago DCNR published in part a report that indicated there was no new acreage open to drilling on public lands that would not adversely effect the character of Pennsylvania’s forest systems. If drilling is approved in Clarence Moore it’s known environmental qualities are at high risk of being compromised.

Our reports about drilling within EV areas can be viewed in the “Exceptional Value” chapter of Triple Divide.

“The Clarence Moore lands have become controversial because Anadarko wants to drill gas wells on them (and build compressor stations, water impoundments, pipelines, and new roads). Because of the ecological and recreational sensitivity of the Clarence Moore lands, PA’s conservation community (and much of the general public) wants the DCNR to use its substantial powers to minimize surface activities, if not prevent them altogether.” Read more “Controversy in the Loyalsock” »

About the author

Joshua Pribanic is Editor-in-Chief for, an investigative reporter, director, photographer, and permaculturalist. His debut documentary, Triple Divide, investigates how the impacts of fracking are being handled by the state and industry. Influences include Ida Tarbell, Upton Sinclair, and ProPublica's Editor Paul Steiger. Follow on twitter: @jbpribanic

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