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Natural Gas Regulation

Natural Gas Regulation

The Natural Gas Act of 1938, as amended, requires anyone who wants to import or export natural gas, including liquefied natural gas (LNG) from or to a foreign country must first obtain an authorization from the Department of Energy. The Office of Oil and Gas Global Security and Supply, Division of Natural Gas Regulatory Activities is the one-stop-shopping place to obtain these authorizations in the Department. The import/export authorizations are necessary for anyone who wants to import or export natural gas, including LNG.

There are basically two types of authorizations, blanket and long-term authorizations. The blanket authorization enables you to import or export on a short-term or spot market basis for a period of up to two years. The long-term authorization is used when you have a signed gas purchase or sales agreement/contract, or tolling agreement, or other agreement resulting in imports/exports of natural gas, for a period of time longer than two years.


Energy Department Authorizes Cameron LNG and Carib Energy to Export Liquefied Natural Gas

DOE announced a proposal to change its procedures for LNG export decisions, intent to initiate an updated economic study, and release of two environmental reports (May 29, 2014).  On August 15, 2014, DOE announced its final Procedures for LNG Export Decisions and Addendum to Environmental Review Documents Concerning Exports of Natural Gas from the United States.

Key LNG Export Information
Documents and Filings
File Your Application Electronically

Prospective importers and exporters of natural gas can now request federal authorizations using an online e-file system. Currently, the electronic process is available for short-term authorizations to import and/or export natural gas and LNG with Mexico and Canada or for importing LNG.

Reporting Requirements

Importers and exporters of natural gas must file monthly reports on their activities.  Reports are required to contain certain information. For the convenience of filers, the Office of Oil and Gas Global Security, Division of Natural Gas Regulatory Activities provides sample formats for reporting.