
ACHD to hold public meetings. (Will fracking be mentioned?)

Earlier this summer, the Allegheny County Health Department (ACHD) posted an online survey, asking County residents to name the most important public health issues facing the County. Conspicuously absent from the list of choices was anything at all related to fracking. Although many residents "wrote-in" fracking, we have been unable to persuade ACHD to issue the results of their survey.
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T-Shirts for the gubertorial candidates!

I have a few T-Shirts donated by Liz that are blue with the words Good Governors Don't Frack PA. on them. If anyone is interested is getting one please contact me.

Act 13 challenge is upheld by PA Supreme Court

The Supreme Court ruled 4-2 (since one Justice did not participate in hearing the case).
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J-127A-D-2012oajc.pdf854.23 KB
J-127A-D-2012co.pdf147.73 KB
J-127A-D-2012do1.pdf110.04 KB
J-127A-D-2012do2.pdf87.91 KB

Our 'Resources' page has changed

Please take a moment to check out our new Resources page. With this new function, you can find any content on our site and download files from our Resource Library. Just click the tab labeled "Resources" at the top of this (or any) page.

Update: Our website permissions

Our website has been bombarded by automated attacks, beginning in December and escalating over the past few weeks. We find it necessary to make the following changes, at least for awhile:
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We were hacked! (not 'fracked')

A few days ago, our site was hacked. Several of our members noticed malicious changes when they tried to download the newsletter.
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Flooding Alert

We've been asked to remind you: With the approach of Hurricane Sandy, please be watchful for overflowing 'frack' ponds.
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Industry Lawyers Target 'Shale Gas Outrage' Website

The organizers of last week's "Shale Gas Outrage 2" in Philadelphia are reporting that the fracking industry has threatened legal action against their website.
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Post-Gazette Wins Award for Fracking Expose

The Sidney Hillman Foundation announced recently that the Erich Schwartzel and Julia Rendleman of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette have won the September Sidney Award for “Fouled Waters,” a three-month investigation into a mysterious blight on the water supply of the Woodlands, a small Pennsylvania town surrounded by natural gas wells.
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