ACHD to hold public meetings. (Will fracking be mentioned?)

Earlier this summer, the Allegheny County Health Department (ACHD) posted an online survey, asking County residents to name the most important public health issues facing the County. Conspicuously absent from the list of choices was anything at all related to fracking. Although many residents "wrote-in" fracking, we have been unable to persuade ACHD to issue the results of their survey.

Now ACHD has scheduled public meetings, to be held in each of the 13 County Council districts. We encourage you to attend one or more, and to express your concerns directly -- in whatever way seems most appropriate. Meetings will be on weekday evenings, between September 22 and November 12.

See our calendar, or click here to read the complete Press Release from the ACHD, giving the dates and locations of all 13 meetings.