
Ithaca Climate March & Response

Sunday, September 21, 12:45 PMDeWitt Park (north side of park next to the First Presbyterian Church)

DeWitt Park

Ithaca, NY 14850

Join us in Ithaca if you cannot get to NYC! People of many faiths will gather in Ithaca for a musical march & call to action.

We will meet on the north side of DeWitt Park near the First Presbyterian Church for a silent meditation/prayer (12:50-1 pm). We will start our march around the park with a 350 second “sound-off” at 1 pm, coordinated with faith communities around the planet via GreenFaith.

We will then gather in the First Presbyterian Church’s Dodds Hall for refreshments & a discussion of how we, as faith communities and as civic communities, can spur changes to make real differences for our planet and for all its people.

We hope to project live feeds from people in NYC. If you will be in NYC, please upload your pictures & videos to our facebook event page: Ithaca Climate March & Response

September 21 is just the beginning! We will be coordinating with other area groups concerned about our changing climate on the wide range of ACTION STEPS we can take to help turn the fossil fuel economy into an ecological economy.

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