
Should we lift the ban? Debate at Cornell



2013_CFS-FrackingPoster-page-001Cornell Forensics Society presents an event at 4:30pm, Feb 4th at Cornell University, Ives Hall 305.

Ingraffea, Steingraber, Hang– VS – Shepstone, Kurkowski, Conrad.

“Should we lift the ban?” Sounds like a rollicking good time!

2 comments to Should we lift the ban? Debate at Cornell

  • Nathanael

    The problem with this sort of “debate” is that the correct answer is considered impolite. It requires restating the terms of the debate.

    The reason we should not lift the ban is that the companies involved in fracking are fraud operations which lie about what they’re doing.

    The people on the “lift the ban” side can try to deny this — in which case they’re complicit in the fraud and you can’t really discuss things with them — or they can admit it, in which case they’ll support maintaining the ban.

    The debate question should be “Are the companies which plan to frack New York lying, dishonest land flippers?” The answer is yes. Given that, the scientific questions become irrelevant.

  • As a member of the press, I hope video of this night will be up soon after .. no chance you could live stream it? :) Even out here in California – where the Gas Industry has it’s eye on fracking faultlines .. we are very interested in hearing what will be said.

    My own observation is the previous comment is not too harsh. These companies do seem to use lies, deception, misinformation and intimidation to get what they want. Please remember, Range resources has actually hired Military psy-ops in their PR department, so not over stated, I think.

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