Noon-3pm eastern

Monday-Friday 7pm and 10pm Eastern

Today's Radio Show

noon-3:00 pm eastern

Tune in on satellite radio at SiriusXM Progress 127

Join Thom in our chatroom during the program!

Be sure to check out our new videos: CARBON & LAST HOURS
- both narrated by Leonardo DiCaprio

Hour One: Death with 29? Barbara Combs Lee, Compassion & Choices

Hour Two: Trick or in politics - Paul M. Sherman, Institute for Justice

Hour Three: Thom Hartmann University Book Club - Dan Sisson, The American Revolution of 1800

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Daily Poll

Is it too late to prosecute George W. Bush for war crimes?

YES! It wouldn't undo the damage of lying us in to an illegal war!
0% (0 votes)
NO! And let's prosecute Dick Cheney while we're at it!
100% (24 votes)
Total votes: 24

Tuesday's TV Show

7:00 pm-8:00 pm eastern

Be sure to check out our new videos: CARBON & LAST HOURS
- both narrated by Leonardo DiCaprio

NEED TO KNOW: The Prosecution of an American President - Vincent Bugliosi, The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder

- Hughey Newsome, Project 21 / Move On Up
- Nate Sweet, Progressive Commentator
- Jennifer Kerns, Washington Times / The Blaze

BEST OF THE REST: The 2014 Voting Nightmare - Allegra Chapman, Common Cause

DAILY TAKE: What has greed cost America?

. . . LIVE from D.C. starting at 7pm eastern

Latest From The Big Picture


Thom's Blog

Should public radio program in the public interest?

NPR is supposed to be our national public radio, but they're barely covering climate issues that are in the public's interest.

Only one month ago, a national New York Times/CBS News poll found that half of all Americans think that global warming is already having a serious impact. Sixty percent of those surveyed even said that protecting our environment should be a priority “even at the risk of curbing economic growth.”

More Thom's Blog

Thom Hartmann Radio Program

Live : Mon-Fri
Noon - 3pm Eastern
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