
Thursday, October 30, 2014


Ask Baba Yaga: How Do I Abandon Striving For Glory?

baba spirituality 0001
Transcript after the jump. READ MORE


A Battle to the Grave: An Interview with the Soska Sisters

soska sistersI’m mesmerized by the photo on the Soska sisters’ “About” page. It’s compelling in a gory, expected way; Jen and Sylvia Soska take up the left half of my screen; their shiny, stick-straight hair and pale skin are both completely splattered with blood. They’re identical twins, so it’s a mind trip of sorts, their piercing eyes stare at the camera-— one sister gives that vampy look while the other sister looks like she's thinking “All in a day’s work.” The Soska sisters are gorgeous and tropey, everything you’d want in horror film stars—or in their case, horror film directors.

For the past decade, the Soska sisters have been making alternatives to the mostly male-driven horror film genre. Their original female-driven narratives include Dead Hooker in a Trunk, American Mary, See No Evil 2, and the upcoming Vendetta. With American Mary, they created a harrowing rape-revenge film. Mary (played by Katherine Isabelle) surgically removes limbs, sews someone’s eyelids shut and places a vaginal speculum in her rapist’s mouth. (Hell yes.)

I spoke to Jen and Sylvia about the difficult task women have breaking into the male-dominated horror film world (not to mention the male-dominated film world), some of their favorite female-driven horror films and what it feels like to be the recipient of a boatload of misogyny. READ MORE


Starting From the Bottom

People’s reactions to my announcement became a Rorschach test that was fairly accurate at predicting the length of time we’d be in touch after graduation. It sounded cool enough to a few of my closest friends who decided to do the same, and we all began to prepare ourselves for a great migration out West. We dreamed of open skies, a chilled-out vibe, and the space to become fully realized, whatever we thought that meant. It wasn’t much of a plan but it felt like a better plan that most people had, which involved getting a regular office job. But by this time, my grassroots publishing class had begun to work its way under my skin, and I liked the way it took root there. I pictured myself running a similar enterprise someday. We published a magazine each semester, and planning out the issues, the front-of-the-book stories, features, and profiles that we would include was exciting in a way I didn’t even know was possible. In those classes, the beginnings of an idea took shape, if only I could figure out how to finance it. The reality that I had spent the last four years doing everything but studying literature, writing, and reading started to weigh on me, even though all of those areas interested me the most. But I figured I would stockpile cash, leather jackets, and skinny jeans, move to a city, live in a one-room apartment, and work and intern for free in exchange for experience points. Simple enough, right?

I really loved this essay on waitressing and post-college anxiety by Jenna Wortham, particularly the above excerpt; working a service job while your friends and peers pursue more education or entry-level office jobs really is like a Rorschach test for compatibility. I have a bias operating in the other direction, I think, where I don't trust people who don't or haven't worked some kind of service job. My background is retail, but anything where you deal with customer service and get paid to be physically present by the hour counts. I just really believe—in my limited, personal, biased experience, sure—that people who have worked in restaurants, retail, or customer service in general are often better collaborators, friends, co-workers because of what they learn in those jobs. That's what I see in their...inkblots? Human inkblots? I don't know, you get it.


Texts from Mallory Ortberg

51NkGhyEKrL._SX258_BO1,204,203,200_Whenever I have an idea for something funny to write on the Internet, I have to make sure that it isn’t just something I’ve subconsciously ripped off from writer/webmistress Mallory Ortberg. If there is a joke to be made about anything, chances are Mallory’s already made it, in a both subtle and absurd way that will seep into your brain and stick with you for months.

On November 4th, Henry Holt is publishing Texts from Jane Eyre—a collection based on the series in which Mallory sums up the entire canon of Western literature in a few textual exchanges with great accuracy and even greater lols. Believe it or not, Texts From was spawned on THIS VERY HERE SITE. Buy a copy, then read this interview. Or read this interview and buy a copy. Buy a copy, read this interview, then buy another copy for best results. Anything else you were planning to do today can wait. It was probably dumb anyway.

Hi hi hi!

Are you READY? For some harrowing questions that will make you look deep within yourself?
Let's DO THIS. I'm ready to get controversial. READ MORE


Man Can Sing

Auto-tune poster child T-Pain just blew everyone's minds yesterday with his performance at NPR Music's Tiny Desk Concert, where he taught us all that he can saaaaang.

The New Yorker's Culture Desk had an interview with him earlier this year: his association with the pitch-correcting device marred his attempt to be a considered a "real artist" and to be taken seriously, both by consumers and his peers, sending him into a depression. An anecdote from the article: after inviting T-Pain in to consult on 808 and Heartbreak, "Kanye wrote a song about how dumb all of T-Pain’s ideas were. He then proceeded, T-Pain said, to make “everybody in the studio join in with him to sing, like, "T-Pain’s shit is weak."'

People always tell him it makes no sense for someone in his position to care so much about idiot teen-agers posting comments on social media. “People are, like, ‘You’re rich!’ What’re you so worried about?’ ” he says. “And I’m, like, money ain’t the issue here. Yeah, I can buy shit. But I want people to like me, too! God damn!”

Hmm, what advice would you give him? How about his own!!

You already have all you need. Nothing in life worth having comes without sacrifice and/or struggle. Do not alienate the people around you. Use the negative things that happen to you as motivation to push forward. As long as you continue to believe in yourself nothing can stand in your way. Times often get rough, which is the nature of life, but your self-belief and how you view yourself will guide you through any problem.

Singer T-Pain, please listen to Advice Columnist T-Pain, and know that everything is going to be fine (as long as you drop that acoustic album real soon).

Shot Through the Heart


Last Thursday night, the governor of New York State and the mayor of New York City announced that the first case of Ebola had been diagnosed at Bellevue Hospital. The man—a doctor who had recently returned from treating Ebola patients in West Africa—had fallen ill that morning, after a night of bowling in Williamsburg, they said. I live in Greenpoint, less than a mile away from the bowling alley he had been in just twenty-four hours earlier.

Hearing this struck fear in my heart. Not because I thought there was any real risk of me getting Ebola: I trusted the information the CDC reported, that Ebola can only be contracted from a person with active symptoms, and even in cases of a very sick person coming in casual contact with me, it would be relatively hard to contract Ebola. I am a fairly pragmatic person, capable of talking myself through the logical ends of various what-if scenarios. I have faith in modern medicine.

The fear wasn’t about me, though: It was for my nine-month-old daughter. The what-if scenarios, though only momentary, were extreme. For just one second, it seemed absolutely certain to me that she would somehow, devastatingly skirt the odds and come down with Ebola.

A thing I have learned about myself-as-parent: When my child is involved, it takes some extra arguing with my brain for rationality to prevail.



Rejected Author Bios

Jazmine Hughes is the contributing editor of the Hairpin.

Jazmine Hughes is the contributing editor of the Hairpin, a digital magazine.

Jazmine Hughes didn’t know the Hairpin was an digital magazine???

Jazmine Hughes trusts Matt Buchanan.

Jazmine Hughes is contributing editor of the Hairpin, a digital magazine, and the main contributing eater of the cheese in her shared refrigerator. READ MORE


All the Treats in Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Cordelia: Here's a chocolate...Oh. I don't think I need the loony-fringe vote.

Buffy: Well, I-I don't even *like* chocolates…

Drusilla: Miss Edith speaks out of turn. She's a bad example, and will have no cakes today.

Xander: Yeah. It's a delicious, spongy, golden cake stuffed with a delightful creamy, white substance of goodness. And here's how you eat it.



Amy Poehler's 'Yes Please' Is the Best Non-Self-Help Self-Help Book Ever

yespleaseBefore I can start my thoughts on Amy Poehler’s Yes Please (Dey Street Press, out today), I have to put aside Professional Writer Voice and make a confession: I love self help books. I’m not talking about the ones that promise if you just think positively piles of money will magically appear. I mean the ones that urge us to be better people, that gently tell us it’s slowly inch-by-inch going to be okay and that it helps our hearts to be kinder to others and to ourselves. I have an entire shelf of them. If there’s a Brene Brown book to be had, I own a dog-eared, heavily-underlined copy, and I’ve kept lists of self-help books quoted by other self-help books. All of them are by Pema Chodron.

I mention this because Poehler’s Yes Please reads like a self-help book, and I mean that very much as a compliment. Actually, Yes Please is better, because it’s funny and lacks self-helpy cheesiness. Throughout, Poehler reflects on her life, gives advice through the lessons she’s learned (particularly those learned through improv), and delivers enough comedic nonsense to keep it entertaining. I want to hug this book, and not just because Poehler also suggests reading Pema Chodron. This isn’t to suggest she gives advice the whole time, but that in describing her experiences, it’s easy to see how much further cultivating healthy habits and relationships can take us.

With section titles like “Say whatever you want,” and “Be whoever you are,” Yes Please is even structured like a self-help book, and throughout, Poehler offers stand alone pages of wisdom like, “Nobody looks stupid when they are having fun,” and “forget the facts and remember the feelings.” But it’s sharing her experience of the world that makes Yes Please relatable. In “Plain girl vs. the demon,” she describes her own difficulties with self criticism, i.e. the demon that resides in her brain, and offers a smart way of countering it. “When the demon starts to... say bad shit about me I turn around and say, ‘Hey, cool it. Amy is my friend. Don’t talk about her like that.’ Sticking up for ourselves in the same way we would one of our friends is a hard but satisfying thing to do.” READ MORE


In Defense of an Unlikable Protagonist, When the Unlikable Protagonist is Yourself

There’s this thing I’ve done since I was a kid that I rarely talk about—mainly because it’s embarrassing. Anytime I’m alone, I'm probably scripting scenarios in my head of how my life should go. Not the kind of fantastical daydreaming that encompasses what would happen if the fates were ever to align and I finally got to meet my pun-loving idol Dave Coulier; actual, real-life situations ranging from romantically tense showdowns with men (that never actually come to fruition), to the mundane small talk I practice to ensure I’m the most charming customer in the cramped waiting room of my local auto body shop.

Maybe it's a childhood tic, born out of severe unpopularity coupled with an overactive imagination. Maybe it's the machinations of a subconscious pushing me to become a writer long before I ever realized I wanted to spend my life putting words on paper. Whatever the reason, it’s something I still do, to this day, almost to the point of obsession. I’m rarely living in the moment because it’s a veritable television writer’s room in my head, with a million self-contained voices pitching different narratives, joke arcs, and real-time admonishments to their leading lady: me.

The thing that each of those scenarios have in common? In each and every one, I am always right. I am always the best. Even when spurned, I am always the most downtrodden heroine who will rise again, likely by way of a cleverly crafted monologue filled with dated references and verbal cues worthy of an Amy Sherman-Palladino television program. After all, when you’re constantly crafting your own narrative, you’re never the villain. But that’s the thing—it’s just a narrative. In my actual world, I rarely stick to the script, and I’m the villain far more often than I’d care to admit. READ MORE


FKA Twigs, "Video Girl"

Self-soothing with this on repeat, all day, every day.


"Don't You Hate Pants?"

The Hairpin has a strong, well-documented stance re: women should wear whatever they want. We also have a strong, well-documented stance against pants. Here is an article that, if you squint hard enough, covers both stances.

The Cost of Traveling and Moving Across Canada

driving in Canada
I recently moved across Canada, from Vancouver, BC to Toronto, ON, with my boyfriend, in a van with all of our worldly possessions! Here’s what it cost us:

Van rental: $842.11, ALL IN. I emphasize that because it should have been significantly more. The prices we were initially quoted for the 11-foot cargo van were at least that much, plus an additional $1,000 drop-off fee because it was a one-way rental. Had that been the case, we definitely would have just thrown away all of our stuff and flown. Then we discovered that my boyfriend was able to use his company’s corporate account for the rental, which meant a huge discount (no fees for insurance or additional drivers) and no drop-off fee. We rented the van for six days, but were able to make it Toronto in five, so we also saved money by returning the rental a day early.

Gas: $826.02. I’d like to say that we did a lot of research and budget planning for this move, but we most definitely did not, and it showed the most with gas. Our very rough estimate (based on nothing, I guess? Phantoms and vapors?) was that gas would be $500-$600. We were very wrong! Gas prices were highest in Ontario ($1.43/L) and BC ($1.42/L), and cheapest in Alberta ($1.16/L). We could have saved money if we had driven through ‘MURICA, but we were afraid crossing the border with all of our stuff might be a headache. The van was just a terrible gas guzzler, period, but our gas mileage also took a beating because of the terrain through BC, Alberta, and Ontario (where large parts of the trip involve very twisty roads through mountains, or at least mountain-ish areas), and the DEMON WINDS in the prairies, where you have to keep the steering wheel turned 45 degrees just to go in a straight line. READ MORE


Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board

Hexenclub, Der / Craft, The
The girls’ bathroom of Jefferson Elementary School was a creepy place: bodies of dead bugs dimmed the fluorescent lights, cracks exposed darkness beneath the floor tile, and the radiator sputtered and shrieked irregularly. But it was exponentially creepier as a second-grader, cowering in the corner, while a classmate I’d only just met stared into the mirror and chanted: “Bloody Mary. Bloody Mary…”—a pause, during which I looked up at the mirror and saw her eyes fill with fear, then she finished in one breath: “BloodyMary!”

I heard screaming and only realized it was mine as the two of us tore out of the bathroom and careened into the hall, where Mrs. Rollins asked to see our hall passes. I assumed she had no idea what we doing, but she’d probably played Bloody Mary before. In the middle of the twentieth century, in the thick of the Cold War, versions of the ritual popped up simultaneously in disparate locations. All around the world, girls were suddenly summoning female ghosts in bathrooms, with different “rules” for each one. In the United States, Bloody Mary is typically the ghost of an angry woman who’s dismissed by flushing a toilet. Hanako-san is a less threatening schoolgirl ghost in Japan. Svarta Madame is the Swedish variant, and Spanish girls summon Veronica, who, according to one paranormal website, “asks you to guess the date of death. If you do, she will give you a favor. If not, she will kill you for having called in vain.”

I remember my first Bloody Mary moment with clarity even in my twenties, but it’s not fear that’s made the memory so lasting. By second grade, I’d been afraid before: of aliens, burglars, and, more concretely, of starting a new school when my family moved. Invoking Bloody Mary stuck with me not because of fear, but because of the realization that certain fears were pleasurable. The realization that fear was a feeling I could create for myself.

The Internet's Invisible Sin-Eaters

In this month's Wired, Adrian Chen visits the Philippines to speak with professional content moderators—the people who scrub all the dick pics and beheadings from the world's biggest sites before they reach users' eyes. It's job that, he says, "might very well comprise as much as half the total workforce for social media sites." Sarah Roberts, a media studies scholar at the University of Western Ontario focusing on commercial content moderation, is quoted in the piece. They caught up over chat.

AC: One thing I would have liked to include in my piece was how you got interested in studying content moderation.

SR: Well, it's a pretty simple story. I was perusing the NYT one day and there was a very small story in the Tech section about workers in rural Iowa who were doing this content screening job. They were doing it for low wages, essentially as contractors in a call center in a place that, a couple generations ago, was populated by family farms. I call it "Farm Aid Country." I say this as a born and raised Wisconsinite, from right next door.

So this was a pretty small piece, but it really hit me. The workers at this call center, and others like it, were looking at very troubling user-generated content (UGC) day in and day out. It was taking a toll on them psychologically, in some cases. I should say that I've been online for a long time (over twenty years) and, at the time I read this, was working on my Ph.D. in digital information studies. I was surrounded at all times by really smart internet geeks and scholars. So I started asking my peers and professors, "Hey, have you ever heard of this practice?" To my surprise, no one—no one-had.

This was in the summer of 2010. Right there, I knew that it wasn't simple coincidence that no one had heard of it. It was clear to me that this was a very unglamorous and unpleasant aspect of the social media industries and no one involved was likely in a rush to discuss it. As I interrogated my colleagues, I realized that many of them, once they were given over to think about it at all, immediately assumed that moderation tasks of UGC must be automated. In other words, "Don't computers/machines/robots do that?"

Right. I actually thought that at least some of it would be done like that before doing this story. That was one of the most surprising things, how little is actually automated.

So that got me wondering about our propensity to collectively believe (I'd say it's more aspirational, actually—wishful thinking) that unpleasant work tasks are done by machines when so many of them are done by humans. As I'm sure you learned, and I did, too, content moderation of video and images is computationally very difficult. It's an extremely sophisticated series of judgments that are called upon to make content decisions.