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PBT Extra: What teams, besides Cavaliers, are poised for a big leap forward?

Oct 28, 2014, 12:15 PM EDT

The Cleveland Cavaliers are going to be a lot better than the 33-win team of a year ago. About 25 wins better. Adding LeBron James and Kevin Love will do that.

That much if obvious, but what other teams are poised to make leaps forward this season? That’s what Jenna Corrado and I discuss in the latest PBT Extra.

If you’ve been reading here the last few weeks, you know I’m high on the Pelicans this year, I think if any of the eight teams that made the playoffs last season out West slips (due to injury or other reasons) the Pelicans are poised to pounce. Anthony Davis is going to have the kind of season where by the end of it the debate of the third best player in the NBA may be moot.

Two other teams I like to improve are the Dallas Mavericks and Detroit Pistons. In Big D nobody is going to notice until Tony Romo throws three picks and the Cowboys are eliminated early in the playoffs, but the Mavericks are much improved with Chandler Parsons and Tyson Chandler. In Detroit, Stan Van Gundy will not put up with the chemistry issues that plagued this team last season, he will just yell at them until the issues are solved.

  1. andrewwiggins22 - Oct 28, 2014 at 12:21 PM

    That is IF he stays healthy…

  2. brugis23 - Oct 28, 2014 at 1:16 PM

    Lakers! Hahahajajahahahajfajhfa!!!!

    • asimonetti88 - Oct 28, 2014 at 3:22 PM

      He didn’t mention the Lakers.

      • 22yearsagotoday - Oct 28, 2014 at 5:21 PM

        Wonder why.

  3. senorpapino - Oct 28, 2014 at 2:13 PM

    There were some encouraging signs in Detroit this preseason. Less of Smith/Monroe/Drummond all on the court together, 1 Josh Smith 3 a game, and fewer Brandon Jennings turnovers (although his shot selection and FG% were atrocious). If KCP and Meeks can return soon from injury, they should sneak into the playoffs.

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