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3 thoughts on “About

  1. Fracking and pipelines are inextricably linked. Spectra,Texas Eastern and Chevron will install a 36″ pipeline that will transport an additional 600,000 dekatherms of liquified natural gas this spring. There is a history of safety issues with each of these businesses. FERC approved TEAM 2014 Project that will place these pipelines next to my property and also at the site of the Dunlap Creek Park Dam, Fayette County, Pennsylvania. The dam is a watershed project that was completed in the 1970’s to control flooding in the lower lying areas below the lake. The new pipeline will be within the blast zone as will my home. I have written to PIPA, FERC, PHMSA, DOT, EPA, my Local, State and Federal Representatives warning them of the possibility of a major disaster. I have received little help, mostly passing the buck. Pipelines are not 100% guaranteed safe, my concerns are valid. Confidence in pipeline safety has been tested by a series of recent accidents. Spectra has placed the pipeline north of an existing pipeline. The ROW and easement at my property was taken on the south side of the pipeline even though it will be installed on the north side. If I were to build my house in 2014, it would be considered too close and would not be permitted. The Gas and Oil Industry have the right to do this because of “Class One” in FERC. Something that needs to be reviewed and changed in order to be considered LEGAL! Help is needed to get the fracking and pipeline preventers together. Once the new interstate pipeline is finished, the fracking in Pennsylvania , WV, Ohio will increase. The possibilities for the big gas companies to transport their product to market faster, will involve more gas wells and gathering pipelines with the potential of more disasters.

  2. James says:

    There needs to be an investigation into dishonest practices with leasing properties gas and oil rights. A large player in the Marcellus shale gas industry is engaging in questionable and dishonest business practices. Signing leases and claiming then when it is time to pay that rights were sold over 100+ years ago when oil and gas rights are clearly stated on deed. When individuals state they wish to opt out of contract they pay.

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