Solar Power Facts: 2015 Report Shows Residential Use By State

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Solar Power Rocks just released its residential solar power ratings by state (including the District of Columbia), based on criteria that lead to strong financial incentives to install solar panels. Find out your state’s solar power facts.

The report includes detailed discussions of each state broken down by criteria, including areas where each state excels and those where it falls short. It also shows how state legislatures can impact change on the solar market in each state. What are the prospects for your state? Read on to find out your solar power facts by state.

Top Ten States for Residential Solar Power

The top ten states include a slew of rebates and tax incentives for those that install solar panels on their homes which motivates residents to participate. Gov. Andrew Cuomo has made a commitment to solar energy, allowing his state to perform the best. It’s strange that some of the states with the least usable power have the best incentives.

1. New York

2. Massachusetts

3. Connecticut

4. Oregon

5. New Jersey

6. Colorado

7. Maryland

8. Minnesota

9. Vermont

10. New Mexico

My home state of South Carolina came in 37 on the list because despite having one of the best solar tax credits in the country, its “RPS standards are laughable”. (RPS stands for renewable portfolio standards.) It’s a regulation that requires increased production of energy from renewable sources such as wind, solar, biomass, and geothermal. It obligates electricity companies to produce a certain amount of electricity from renewable sources.

Bottom Ten States for Residential Solar Power

These states all scored an F in terms of tax incentives, credits, RPS standards, and accessibility. Unfortunately, many of these states would have loads of solar power to use.

40. Georgia

41. Virginia

42. North Dakota

43. Mississippi

44. Nebraska

45. Wyoming

46. Kentucky

47. West Virginia

48. Alabama

49. Oklahoma

50. Arkansas

If you want to see where your state falls on the list, checkout the entire report.

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Image: Intel Press Press

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