
A Look into Race & Representation within Police Departments

| October 21, 2014 | 0 Comments
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photo posted by Emily White

photo by Emily White

A lot of news stories recently have focused on race and law enforcement. One factor that’s caused tension in the Ferguson, Missouri community and elsewhere is the racial makeup of its police force. According to the US Department of Justice, in Ferguson and across the US, the percentage of white officers is significantly higher than the percentage of the white population.

KQED asked students, “Should the members of a police force reflect the larger population they serve?” Here’s what we said:

Some students believe it is important that the members of a police force reflect their communities racial makeup.

Alex Lightfoot argues that, in theory, race shouldn’t matter. But for now, police departments need to be more sensitive to race when hiring new officers.

Other students disagree that the members of a police force must reflect their communities’ population.

Some students said that their own police force does match up racially with the people in their community, so equality isn’t completely absent everywhere.

One student looked into the racial diversity in her own community, and was surprised by what she found.

Vanessa Mendoza found that her own community’s police department isn’t as diverse as it could be, and that fostering diversity might help with trust.

While most of the students who participated in the Do Now activity believe that the racial makeup of a police force is an important issue, not all of them felt it was a problem in their own community.

This post was written by Carlos Avila, Victor Herrera, and Matt Krump. They are students at Judge Memorial Catholic High School in Salt Lake City, Utah. Carlos, Victor, and Matt are also involved in the PBS Student Reporting Labs.

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Category: Civics in the Community, Community Voices, Do Now Round-Ups, News & Civics

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Matthew Williams is a filmmaker and media educator who has recently transplanted to Oakland from Los Angeles. He believes that you are what you eat and feels everyone should have a multitude of dietary options for self-realization. Matthew is the Educational Technologist at KQED.